SG Virtual Conference es un congreso en lÃnea para profesionistas de software de habla hispana. Se llevará a cabo el6 de Abril y todas las sesiones se realizarán por medio de conferencias web.
En SG Virtual Conference podrás enterarte de las últimas tendencias y prácticas más efectivas en desarrollo de software.
La asistencia a SG Virtual es gratuita pero limitada. RegÃstrate ya para guardar tu lugar.
*Entregaremos Constancia de Participación a todos los asistentes.
SG Virtual Conference está dirigido a profesionistas y empresarios del software. El perfil de la audiencia incluye: profesionistas (analistas, desarrolladores, gerentes), empresarios (servicios de TI, startups tecnológicos), y académicos (estudiantes y profesores de carreras de TI).
Estas son algunas de las sesiones:
10 AM: ¿Qué lleva a un Ingeniero de Software de Excelente a Excepcional?
11 AM: Administración del Ciclo de Vida de las Aplicaciones
12 PM: Desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos que funciona (¡de verdad!)
1PM: Gestión Ãgil de Pruebas con Herramientas Microsoft
2 PM: La importancia de cometer errores en el proceso de creación de Software
4 PM: ¿Cómo organizar un equipo de pruebas usando Kanban?
Clic aquà para registrarse en SG Virtual Conference
Live Webinar – April 6, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Offered by Global Knowledge.Presenter ( REP 1999 )
Duration 1 hour 1 PDU / 1 CDU 1 Cat A Free
Demystify a wide range of agile & traditional requirements / development methodologies!
This session looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and gives prescriptive guidelines to requirements leadership looking to improve results by striking a better balance between agile and disciplined practices.
These practices are not mutually exclusive – the real issue is to look at your current circumstances and find the right balance to maximize success.
Learning Objectives:
- Look at the structure of agility and discipline-based methods
- Provide guidelines for adding agile practices to traditional software development environments
- Provide guidelines for reapplying traditional development practices to the agile software development environment.
This session refocuses the agility versus discipline dialogue.
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Live Webinar
The Live Session Is Free But…
Search for “2733” to see other great titles available!
Memberships Include all PDU Codes
Note: ITMPI charges a fee to obtain individual PDU codes. This fee ONLY needs to be paid if you ask the provider for the code – This code should be able to be obtained from the PMI.ORG site for free. An ITMPI Membership entitles you to receive all ITMPI PDU Codes and recordings.
Live Webinar April 6th 2011 – 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Duration: 1 hour 30 Min Credits: 1 PDU Cat A
Presented by :Computer Aid Inc IT Metrics & Productivity Institute (Rep 2733)
NOTE: This session was originally scheduled for April 7th ans was rescheduled to April 6th
In this webinar, Ellen Gottesdiener will share with you how “agile requirements” combine to form a sound and sensible union that drives successful delivery of business value.
Click here to register for Agile Requirements: Not an Oxymoron
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Live Webinar
Live Webinar April 7 2011 – 12:00 – 12:30 am EDT
Duration: 30 Min Credits: 0.5 PDU Cat A
Presented by : PM Centers USA (Rep 1016)
PMs – BAs – Create more successfully projects with tools and ideas provided in this webinar.
Specific techniques with examples that will be discussed include:
- Controls Charts
- Cause & Effect Diagrams
- Pareto Charts
Attend this webinar and learn how a focus on quality management can improve the success of your projects. This presentation will be 30 minutes long with a live question and answer session following the presentation.
Subject Matter Expert: Joseph A. Lukas, PMP, PE, CCE
Joe Lukas (LinkedIn profile) is Vice-President of PMCentersUSA.Joe has been involved in project management for over 30 years and has worked in engineering, manufacturing, construction, project controls, estimating and contracting, and has been a Program and Project Manager supporting world-wide programs.
Click here to register for this opportunity.
Online Webinar
Offered by PmCentersUSA (REP 1016)
Duration 30 Min Credits: 0.5 PDU or 0.5 CDU Cat A Free
There are many lifecycles in play for a Business Analyst on an IT project, starting with the Project Lifecycle, continuing with the Software Development Lifecycle and culminating in the Requirements Engineering Lifecycle.
Attend this webinar and see how these lifecycles nest inside each other and how each one plays off against the others.
Subject Matter Expert: Rick Clare, PMP®, CBAP®, OCP
Rick Clare (LinkedIn profile) is the Business Analysis Practice Director and a Senior Instructor for PMCentersUSA, with over 15 years experience in the Systems/Business Analyst field and over 18 years of experience as a technical lead/trainer. Rick’s career experience has been as a Senior Oracle Database Developer, performing analysis, design, development and documentation on numerous database systems using Oracle and its complete set of development tools.
Registration to the PMCentersUSA site is required.
Click here to view this opportunity.
Fecha: Mié Abril 06
Hora: 12:00 AM (CST)
Presentado por: Software Guru
Conferencista: Jordi Cabot
Precio: Gratuito
Duración: 60 minutos
Idioma: Español
PDUs: 1
CategorÃa de PDUs: C
Acerca del evento: Las falsas promesas alrededor de UML y la generación automática de código (básicamente puras estrategias de marketing para vender herramientas/cursos/…) han hecho que ahora mismo muchos desarrolladores huyan despavoridos en cuanto se les nombra la posibilidad de modelar algo como parte de su proceso de desarrollo.
Pero como veremos en la charla, las cosas han cambiado mucho: con nuevas herramientas (ej. EMF y todo su entorno de tecnologÃas de modelado open source para la plataforma Eclipse), nuevas técnicas (ej. el uso de lenguajes especÃficos de dominio) y un enfoque más pragmático (modelar cuándo y cómo haga falta) el desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos puede realmente cambiar vuestra manera de desarrollar software.
Como una ‘Actividad de aprendizaje autodirigido’ (‘Self Directed Learning Activity’) recuerde documentar su experiencia de aprendizaje y su relación con la gestión de proyectos para su ‘Carpeta de Seguimiento de AuditorÃa de PDUs’ (‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’).
Clic aquà para registrarse en este webinar