
Live Webinar – October 4, 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU
This is a 1 hour seminar and attendees will be awarded 1 PDU for participating

In our society, technology continues to rapidly outpace our culture’s ability to keep pace. From the challenges of internet taxation to privacy concerns brought on by Facebook and Google, legal and ethical practices lag seriously behind the pace of the technology. The inherent necessary changes cause significant problems and challenges.

In this web seminar ASPE will discuss the legal and professional challenges brought about by internet marketing’s empowerment of personal brand development. It is astonishing how fast and effectively someone can gain near instant creditability when building and maintaining a personal brand. But with everything good comes a bad. The bad in this case revolves around employees. Contractors have no issues in this matter, however, with employees comes employment law and issues of work product ownership. Along with this come issues of loyalty and intent. Both these issues can put the employee in a precarious position.

ASPE will cover the issue of loyalty and intent when building a personal brand and will also discuss some basic legal precedents that are out there, such as how employment law and work product ownership can potentially increase the risk involved in personal brand development. Finally ASPE will look to the future and what may ultimately happen long term in this area.

In the end, both employees and employers need to understand that personal brand development is real. It is possible, but it involves risk to both parties.

Presenter: David Mantica (LinkedIn profile) – David Mantica has more than 16 years of experience in business to business continuing education in executive, product management, marketing, and operations capacities. He has product managed the initiation, development and delivery of more than 300 instructor-led and live, online training courses, covering topics in the software development life cycle, IT, telecommunications, finance, healthcare IT, and marketing industries. David was instrumental in the development and delivery of the training industry’s first voice over IP (VOIP)-enabled live, instructor-led training course for public consumption.

Click to register for Personal Brand Challenges – Loyalty and Legality