Archive for October, 2011

Is Agile a Fad or an Evolution?


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Note: ITMPI charges a fee to obtain individual PDU codes. This fee ONLY needs to be paid if you ask the provider for the code – This code should be able to be obtained from the PMI.ORG site for free. An ITMPI Membership entitles you to receive all ITMPI PDU Codes and recordings.

Live Webinar November 2, 2011 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Min Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
Presented by: Computer Aid Inc IT Metrics & Productivity Institute (Rep 2733)

Should you be adopting Agile over traditional methodologies?

This seminar shows how agile methods are evolutionary and the next logical step in software project management and development.

  1. You’ll understand how the agile mantra is to adapt; think smaller and quicker by placing emphasis on people, not processes.
  2. You will also find out that agile can have a 10 to 1 return on investment and reduce the risk of scope creep from 80% to 10%.
  3. Finally, you will learn that not only do these principles apply successfully to software development, but also translate into organizational structure, business processes and operations as well.

According to a recently published Forrester report called “Ensure Success for Agile Using Four Simple Steps,” Scrum is the #1 Agile Methodology in the world.

Note: ITMPI is now charging a $2.99 convenience fee to obtain the PDU code. This fee ONLY needs to be paid if you ask the provider for the code – This code can be obtained from the PMI.ORG site for free. Search the Rep # (it is in our listing) The courses are listed alphabetically use the arrow keys to move to the correct place in the alphabet and search the list on that page for the course that you attended – the code should be listed. (setting the set the dropdown box to show 100 per page will make your search easier).

Click to register for Is Agile a Fad or an Evolution?

Roles in Change Management


Live Webinar November 2, 2011, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT or<
Live Webinar November 3, 2011, 4:00 am – 5:30 pm EDT
Presenter: Change Management Learning Center
Duration:1 hour Webcast + Q & A – Up to 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU

  • Change management is not done by one person, or even by a team.
  • Effective change management requires involvement and action by leadership and management throughout an organization.

In this webinar, learn about the five roles in change management including the employee-facing roles and the enabling roles.

Understand why each role is important and their unique responsibilities in driving successful change.


  • Focus of change management as the foundation of roles
  • Change management roles
    • 5 roles
    • Why are they important
    • What do they do

PDU Category C documentation details:

Process Groups: Planning Executing

Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 5 – Scope 10 – Communications

  • 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Execution

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for the Nov 2nd presentation of the Roles in Change Management

Click to register for the Nov 3rd presentation of the Roles in Change Management


Live Webinar November 2, 2011 – 11:00 am to 12:00 pm EST
Presented by the Corporate Education Group ( REP 1011 )
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU

The ability to successfully resolve conflict is a key skill for business success and professional development.

This webinar is designed for professionals at all levels and in all functional areas who would like to acquire the necessary concepts, skills, and techniques to prepare for and resolve conflicts of all types.

Learning objectives of this webinar include:

  • Define what we mean by conflict
  • Examine the positives and negatives of conflict
  • Consider two different approaches to conflict resolution
  • Review a 4-part model for resolving conflict

About the presenter: Stuart Simon, LICSW, is an Instructor and Consultant for Corporate Education Group. Stuart has over 30 years experience as a consultant, trainer, and coach, and for the past 25 years, he has been a senior partner, consultant and trainer for Management Support Services, Inc. His areas of focus include negotiation skills, communication skills, change management, stress management, and conflict resolution. Stuart has provided training, consultation and coaching to professionals across the globe in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Click to register for Conflict: Don’t Avoid It — Manage It!

Leading with Purpose


Live Webinar November 2, 2011 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Sponsored by American Management Association (REP 1294)
Presented by: John Baldoni (LinkedIn profile)
Although the AMA is an REP this opportunity may not have a course number Contact the AMA for further information.

Giving Your Employees a Reason to Believe When an organization succeeds it is often because the employees know what they do and why they do it.

We call this having “purpose.”

As a leader, it is up to you to “lead with purpose” — that is, make certain that organizational purpose is understood and acted upon.

What You Will Learn:
Based upon research and interviews with business executives in multiple sectors, John Baldoni will explain:

  • How defined purpose can help your team thrive and achieve
  • Ways to make people your first priority
  • How to turn good intentions into great results
  • How make it safe to fail (and prevail)
  • How to create your legacy with emerging leaders


John Baldoni is an internationally recognized leadership consultant, speaker, and author. His books include Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders, Lead by Example: 50 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Results, and most recently, Lead Your Boss: The Subtle Art of Managing Up. In 2010 for the second consecutive year,he was named one of the world’s top 25 leadership experts by Top Leadership Gurus International

PDU Category C documentation details:

Process Groups: Executing

Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience (include the weblinks) and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Leading with Purpose

Improvisation in Project Management


Live Webinar – November 1, 11:00 AM EST
Offered by: Roeder Consulting ( REP 2453) 1 Category A PDU
Duration: 1 hour Attendees will be awarded 1 PDU for participation – Free PDU

There is an acknowledged shift within PM away from the traditional ‘plan-then execute’ paradigm, towards an understanding that project-based work in today’s turbulent environments is intimately concerned with resolving ambiguity and complexity, often using a greater degree of ‘soft’ skills.

One result of this shift is a move towards a more ‘improvisational’ style of project-based work, where creativity and an intuitive ‘gut feel’ for what will work in a particular scenario are valued as important contributors to project success.

In this one hour session, Dr. Stephen Leybourne (LinkedIn profile) will offer a number of suggestions relating to how improvised work can contribute to project success, and will:

  • Unpick and explain the theoretical underpinnings of organizational improvisation,
  • Explain how to use it, and how to control it,
  • Give examples of how it can be effective,
  • Suggest why today’s project managers need to be aware of it, and
  • Supply a ‘route map’ to assist in successful improvisation.

This presentation and the discussion that will follow it, is based on over ten years of research into organizational improvisation within the project domain, and a significant amount of published research by the presenter

Click to register for Improvisation in Project Management


About the Sessions

These are the speakers confirmed for the Your Journey to World Class IT conference November 9th

Click here to register for this full day virtual conference.

What’s IT Worth? Determining the Real ROI of IT by Robert Charette
While the mathematically calculation of Return on Investment is straightforward, determining the true value of an IT investment to an organization is much less so. In this presentation, Robert Charette will lay out the foundational principles necessary to understand the real ROI of IT so that the question, “What’s IT worth?” can best be answered.

Dr. Robert Charette is the President of the ITABHI Corporation, an international high technology company involved in enterprise and program risk management consulting. He is the author of over 80 articles on software, systems, and business management in addition to the following books: “Software Engineering Environments: Concepts and Technology” (1986), “Software Engineering Risk Analysis & Management” (1989), “Applications Strategies for Risk Analysis” (1990), “Introduction to the Management of Risk” (1994, “A Unified Methodology for Systems Development” (1987) and “Decision Empowerment: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Good Decision Makers’ (2007). Several new books on managing enterprise risk are in progress.

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Building an IT Command and Control Center
Dave Smith

Have you ever been surprised by something of significance in your business? Have you ever gotten inconsistent information from your organization? In this presentation, Dave Smith will share some of the challenges he has faced in IT over the last 25 years and will discuss a method for controlling and automating the flow of IT information so that it can be made available to teams, managers, managers, and executives. teaching others business skills, professional skills, and technical skills for more than 12 years. He is currently pursuing his doctorate in education for which his dissertation will focus on the benefits of corporate training and mobile learning. He speaks three languages and was recently inducted into the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame. His communication skills, combined with his martial art skills, provide him with a unique combination for keeping his sessions informative, lively, and interactive.

Dave Smith is a senior technology executive at CAI with 25 years of experience leading complex, challenging IT initiatives for industry-leading firms and Fortune 500 client companies. He specializes in the design, development, and launch of technology solutions and processes.

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IT Strategy, Governance, and Value
Leon Kappelman

Are you getting a respectable rate of return on your investments in information technologies? Are you even getting a positive one? The answer to the first question appears to be “no” for about 75% to 80% of organizations; while nearly half of IT investments appear to actually have a negative ROI. While there is no silver bullet to this problem, there are a set of management methods and practices that are almost always found in those organizations which do make the most of their IT spending. Professor Kappelman’s presentation will help you ensure that your organization is developing the practices as well as the intellectual and human capital needed to make the most of your IT investments.

Dr. Leon Kappelman is a research scientist, teacher, author, speaker, and consultant whose research, publications, and presentations in software project management, enterprise architecture, and technology management have received world-wide recognition. He is Director Emeritus of the Information Systems Research Center and a Professor of Information Systems in the College of Business at the University of North Texas, where he is also a Fellow of the Texas Center for Digital Knowledge. His professional expertise includes software project management; technology-related legal and ethical issues including intellectual property; continuity of operations; performance measurement; system development and maintenance; enterprise architecture and strategy; and high-tech and public policy matters like privacy, security, and software quality. He currently serves as chair of the Society for information Management’s Enterprise Architecture Working Group and contributed to and edited the SIM Guide to Enterprise Architecture (CRC Press, 2010).

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Enabling Business Growth/Value and Operational Excellence through Information Technology
Anne Wilms
Anne will describe her experience in utilizing IT not only to improve Company Operational Excellence but ultimately utilizing IT spend to deliver Revenue Growth. In her discussion she will describe the roles of Executive Ownership, Governance and Partnerships. She will also share her experience in building a world class delivery focused IT organization that is optimally aligned with Business Objectives both short- and long-term. Information Technology cannot be an afterthought. as it is critical to have a seat at the table as key business decisions are being made. When IT can be viewed as a key partner with the business the ROI will improve dramatically.

Anne Wilms has more than 25 years of experience serving in a variety of senior IT roles across a number of industries. She was the CIO of Shire Pharmaceuticals from 2009 to 2010, and Rohm & Haas for nearly ten years and was responsible for the IT function, globally. In that role she oversaw the global implementation of SAP as their ERP system. Previously with Sonat, Inc., Ms. Wilms served as Vice President and Chief Information Officer responsible for all corporate and subsidiary computing, telecommunications, IT infrastructure and operating company applications. Earlier in her career, she held a variety of IT management positions, including work for Oracle Corporation and as Director of Information Systems for Wisconsin Power and Light. Throughout her career, Wilms has built and overseen strong teams to ensure successful migration and implementation of new technologies.

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