
Now is the time to earn over 90 PDUs in 20 Topics!

SAVE $29.99 USD per PDU !!!

Effective immediately, and through January 30, 2012, there will be NO CHARGE for any of ITMPI’s Online Webinar or Conference recordings.

To Override the payment feature Use coupon code A2YM29ZM9F67

You can browse ITMPI’s archive of hundreds of webinar recordings at or….. You can find a list of recent webinar recordings by browsing ITMPIs twitter feed – @itmpi.

ITMPI is an Registered Education Provider (Rep #2733) and all of their webinar recordings are Category A PDUs. This means they are accredited by the Project Management Institute and all of the webinars have PDU codes. Each webinar recording is worth 1 PDU. Each conference webinar recording is worth up to 5 PDUs.

We hope you can take advantage of this great opportunity to expand your professional skill set and Maintain Your PMP! 

Remember to TWEET a THANK YOU to
for this Unprecedented Special Gift šŸ˜‰