Archive for December, 2011


Online Webinar – International Project Management Day 2011
This Session Presented by: Judith W. Umlas Senior Vice President IIL
This session Duration 30 Min Credits: 0.5 PDU Category A
IPM Day 2011 Sponsored by: IIL and Partners (Rep# 1003)

The On-Demand Viewing Period Has Begun!
The free viewing period extends through:
5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, February 3, 2012.

In this session Judith will explore simple and powerful ways you can experience well being, creativity, vision and commitment when faced with an infinite number of priorities that can fill your time.

  • Who are the people you should be spending more time with?
  • What stands in the way?
  • What are things you really want to do but can’t find the time to do, in both your personal and professional lives?
  • What are you procrastinating about that would have you feel empowered and excited if you did it?

This session will discuss these questions and more.

To spark this passion, you will be asked to participate in a personal mind-mapping experience during this session.

Judith (LinkedIn profile) will ask you to share the insights you have gained, and further, to make a contract with yourself to continue the experience after this session. The fires of the passion will continue to burn after this session, as brightly as the intensity that you put into creating the spark.

Judith W. Umlas is the author of The Power of Acknowledgment

“The Power of Acknowledgement reminds the reader that courtesy is only one reason to acknowledge the efforts or kindness of others. When honestly given, it is a reward without price. Indeed, it has an impact that we often fail to remember — a ripple effect that can change attitudes, reinforce the positive, and have an impact far greater than we may realize. Yet, as the author reminds us, it is a simple act that leaves a major impression upon those to whom the acknowledgement is given. As she points out, each of us has this power, and it is important to remember to use it appropriately, often, and honestly both in business and in our personal lives.” — Elizabeth Kearney, Ph.D., President, Kearney & Associates

Attend the virtual conference organized by IIL and its partners for International Project Management Day.

To Register the PDUs with PMI® ENSURE YOU RECORD the date you began viewing the webinars. You will need the start date & end date of your attendance to these presentations.

It is also a good idea to keep information on the dates that you watched each of the different presentations in your PMI® audit folder. And dont forget to add the mindmap you created to your audit folder as well 😉

For more information see our article on Building a PDU Plan – Running your re-certification as a documented process.

Registration for IIL’s Virtual Event gives you a chance to explore IIL’s virtual conference center, visit sponsor booths, view presentations and download collateral. Enjoy 21 different speakers’ programs and earn up to 12 free Category A PDUs for your participation until Feb 3rd 2011. For more information see our full article about the conference. The DVD of the conference is also available for sale for $375.00 USD.

Note: In order to view the webinars you must register with an account. Sign in on the left hand side or if you need to register with an account the Event Registration Link is located at the bottom of the middle column after the descriptive copy.

Click to enter the IPM Day 2011 site to view Project Work-Life Balance – Achieving “Project” Success!. Once you have signed in Choose the “Video Presentations” sign then Click on the word Presentations on the left hand side. You will now be able to choose your presentation.

To purchase your copy of the DVD send an email to


Online Webinar – International Project Management Day 2011
This Session Presented by: Dr. Ed Hoffman Dir NASA Academy
of Program, Project & Engineering Leadership
This session Duration 18 Min Credits: 0.25 PDU Category A
IPM Day 2011 Sponsored by: IIL and Partners (Rep# 1003)

The On-Demand Viewing Period Has Begun!
The free viewing period extends through:
5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, February 3, 2012.

In 2008, the NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership began tracking trends in project management, in an effort to anticipate future needs. This initiative included an extensive literature search as well as personal conversations with practitioners and thought leaders affiliated with leading project management organizations and associations around the world.

Academy Director Dr. Ed Hoffman (LinkedIn profile) presented annual findings at the NASA Project Management Challenge each year in February. After three years, the master list consisted of eleven trends that could be subdivided into three broad categories of change.

3 Categories of Change:

  • the global business environment,
  • the priorities of project-based organizations,
  • and the work environment for project practitioners.

Dr. Hoffman will provide a brief overview of these findings and discuss their implications for project practitioners.

Attend the virtual conference organized by IIL and its partners for International Project Management Day.

To Register the PDUs with PMI® ENSURE YOU RECORD the date you began viewing the webinars. You will need the start date & end date of your attendance to these presentations.

It is also a good idea to keep information on the dates that you watched each of the different presentations in your PMI® audit folder. For more information see our article on Building a PDU Plan – Running your re-certification as a documented process.

Registration for IIL’s Virtual Event gives you a chance to explore IIL’s virtual conference center, visit sponsor booths, view presentations and download collateral. Enjoy 21 different speakers’ programs and earn up to 12 free Category A PDUs for your participation until Feb 3rd 2011. For more information see our full article about the conference. The DVD of the conference is also available for sale for $375.00 USD.

Note: In order to view the webinars you must register with an account. Sign in on the left hand side or if you need to register with an account the Event Registration Link is located at the bottom of the middle column after the descriptive copy.

Click to enter the IPM Day 2011 site to view Global Trends in Project Management. Once you have signed in Choose the “Video Presentations” sign then Click on the word Presentations on the left hand side. You will now be able to choose your presentation.

To purchase your copy of the DVD send an email to


Online Webinar – International Project Management Day 2011
This Session Presented by: Dr. Harold Kerzner: Senior Executive Director, IIL
This session Duration 36 Min Credits: 0.5 PDU Category A
IPM Day 2011 Sponsored by: IIL and Partners (Rep# 1003)

The On-Demand Viewing Period Has Begun!
The free viewing period extends through:
5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, February 3, 2012.

Measuring a project’s value during execution as well as at the end of the project is critical, because often the true value of a project may not even be known until well after it has been completed.

There is a focus today on paperless project management, where massive project reports are being replaced with highly sophisticated dashboard reporting techniques.

In this presentation you’ll learn how the most important metrics, or key performance indicators (KPIs), must display information related to the project’s value and how best to accomplish this.

Attend the virtual conference organized by IIL and its partners for International Project Management Day.

To Register the PDUs with PMI® ENSURE YOU RECORD the date you began viewing the webinars. You will need the start date & end date of your attendance to these presentations.

It is also a good idea to keep information on the dates that you watched each of the different presentations in your PMI® audit folder. For more information see our article on Building a PDU Plan -Running your re-certification as a documented process.

Registration for IIL’s Virtual Event gives you a chance to explore IIL’s virtual conference center, visit sponsor booths, view presentations and download collateral. Enjoy 21 different speakers’ programs and earn up to 12 free Category A PDUs for your participation until Feb 3rd 2011. For more information see our full article about the conference. The DVD of the conference is also available for sale for $375.00 USD.

Note: In order to view the webinars you must register with an account. Sign in on the left hand side or if you need to register with an account the Event Registration Link is located at the bottom of the middle column after the descriptive copy.

Click to enter the IPM Day 2011 site to view Understanding the Need for Metrics: Measuring the Ongoing Value of a Project. Once you have signed in Choose the “Video Presentations” sign then Click on the word Presentations on the left hand side. You will now be able to choose your presentation.

To purchase your copy of the DVD send an email to

Change Management Scorecard


Live Webinar December 21, 2011, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST or
Live Webinar December 22, 2011, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EST
Presenter: Change Management Learning Center Duration:1 hour Webcast + Q & A – Up to 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU

Prosci specializes in change management processes. With a strong developed expertise in change management processes they produce high quality informative presentations and seminars

Measuring the impact of change management is a hot topic for many change management professionals.

This new webinar will introduce Prosci’s Change Management Scorecard – an approach for evaluating the effectiveness and impact of change management work on a project or initiative.

By looking at two sides of change management effectiveness – an activity audit and an outcome audit – practitioners will be able to evaluate how well change was managed on a given project or initiative.


  • Change management foundation
  • Scorecard foundation
  • Activity audit
  • Outcome audit

PDU Category C documentation details: Process Groups: Planning Executing Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 5 – Scope 10 – Communications

  • 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Execution
  • 5.2 Define Scope
  • 10.1 Identify Stakeholders
  • 10.2 Plan Communications

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for the Dec 21st Presentation of Change Management Scorecard

Click to register for the Dec 22nd Presentation of Change Management Scorecard


Live Webinar December 20 2011 – 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EST
Duration: 1 hour Credits: 1 PDU Category B Free
Presented by: PDUs For Lunch – The Project Whisperer
Speaker : Bernardo Tirado – The Project box
Certificate of attendance will be provided to attendees upon request.

Topic: Profiling problem solvers?

Project Management is often regarded as a tactical, logical pursuit. But anyone who’s managed a project knows that tools and methodology only take you so far. The rest, well, comes down to human behavior.

“There was a time where hiring companies believed that having someone with a PMP©, Six Sigma Blackbelt/Master Blackbelt, Prince2, etc. meant that the individual would be a great project leader. Companies have realized that this is not the case and are now starting to develop ways to separate the leadership effectiveness amongst PM candidates.” – Bernardo Tirado ()

The ability to interpret and utilize body language is an invaluable tool in any situation, and especially at work. Managing project teams involves
understanding the true intentions and motivations of your team members– especially when someone says one thing, but means another. Furthermore, using your own body language to punctuate and reinforce your message is a good way to create rapport and let people know that you are committed, competent, confident, and able to perform.

In this interesting session, Bernardo Tirado will present the fundamentals of body language at work. He will discuss the unconscious at work, and provide tips that you can use right after attending. You may never look at yourself or others in quite the same way!

Speaker: Bernardo Tirado (LinkedIn) is CEO and Founder of The Project Box, LLC. He is an industrial psychology practitioner and project management executive with extensive experience in building global shared services, transforming organizations through process improvement, and developing new business capabilities.

He’s worked in Fortune 50 companies over the last 15 years, marrying Industrial Psychology and Project Management. Until recently, he was living in the London and is now based in New York City where he works as VP for a top Financial Services Company. He is a Certified Six Sigma Blackbelt and has taught Industrial Psychology at the Metropolitan College of NY as an adjunct professor.

Leveraging Industrial Psychology, Six Sigma, PMP, and Body Language methodologies, Bernardo created The Project Box as a premium resource that provides Project Managers with right-and left-brain strategies.

Check out Bernardo’s website on:
Industrial Psychology And Project Management

Click to register for PDUs For Lunch Live Webinar
Profiling Problem Solvers with Bernardo Tirado

“What’s Industrial Psychology Got To
Do With Project Management?

Online Webinar Presented by: Vital Learning
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Recorded: January 12, 2011

Ahhh….it’s Annual Performance Appraisal time… you know, that special time you look forward to each year, eagerly anticipating the meaningful, substantive discussions you will have with each of your employees. Performance reviwes not only validates and confirms the valuable contribution your employees have made during the previous year but also sets the wheels in motion in the coming year for your employees to embrace their new goals and eagerly achieve them in the most creative, innovative, and productive way possible. It never ceases to amaze you what a wonderful experience Annual Performance Appraisal time is each year!

WHAT???? If this is your experience great! BUT ……

If it isn’t your experience each year when you conduct your Annual Performance Reviews with each of your employees, you will want to join Vital Learning for this recorded webinar on how to learn how to turn annual performance review discussions from something that is feared and dreaded to something that becomes a pivotal and rewarding part of managing your employees’ performance.

PDU Category C documentation details:

Process Groups: Executing

Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Slides for 10 Common Mistakes Made During Annual Performance Reviews (PowerPoint format ppt)

Click to download Performance Ratings Definitions and Performance Tracker Handout (MS Word Format .doc)

Click to view 10 Common Mistakes Made During Annual Performance Reviews