Archive for January, 2012


Live Webinar – January 18th, 12:00-1:00 PM EST
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU
This is a 1 hour seminar and attendees will be awarded 1 PDU for participating

We have a bunch of projects going on. We are amazed when a project completes and can be used to improve the corporate environment. Our users complain that projects are often turned over to them late with less functionality than they had planned on receiving.

  • Do you have Business Analysts (BA’s) in your organization?
  • Are they allowed to do some of the things that BA’s are supposed to do?
  • Or are they reactionary and constantly being told just to “get it done!”

Projects should be delivered with little surprises to the end user. Users, or the customer, should be involved throughout the project/product development so that the time, money and resources that you are spending on getting things developed can actually provide results that achieve corporate goals and make people more, not less, productive.

Spend some time examining what BA’s should be doing,
and how they are really a strategic asset to the company.

Presenter: With more than 30 years of business experience, Greg Reinhart (LinkedIn profile) knows firsthand the challenges faced by professionals in today’s fast-paced technical, sales and corporate environments. As an international trainer, Greg has learned the unique art of understanding individual work and learning environments, using them as part of the success strategy. Greg is a PMP and holds a Six Sigma Black Belt and Six Sigma Green Belt.

Click to register for Selling Business Analysis in Your Organization


Live Webinar January 18th, 2012 – 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Presented by the Corporate Education Group ( REP 1011 ) Course ID: MDW1253
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU

A project is a temporary endeavor, with a distinct beginning and end that is undertaken to create a unique product or service.

Projects are everywhere, regardless of your industry or profession, and an effective project management process can benefit anyone.

If you are looking for non-technical tools and techniques to successfully manage your projects and project teams, this webinar is for you.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Greater confidence in defining, planning and managing projects
  • Reduced stress and greater sense of control of your multiple projects and daily work load
  • Increased effectiveness and efficiencies by using simple, step-by step processes for project management and communications
  • Understand best practices for iterative (and agile) project execution

Who should attend:

  • Managers,
  • Supervisors, and
  • Individual contributors who struggle with balancing the complex demands of project work while maintaining their daily workloads.

About the presenter: Mark Murphy MS, (LinkedIn profile) is a Senior Partner of PME Learning. Mark has over 20 years of training and consulting expertise in the areas of time management, interpersonal/leadership skills, and project management. He has traveled the world extensively and lived for several years in both Europe and South America. His experiences abroad have helped him develop a profound understanding and respect for the importance of cultural diversity. Mark speaks Spanish fluently and has worked in many different industries including health care, aerospace, high tech, banking, retail, transportation, and entertainment.

Click to register for Project Management for Everyone: A Non-Technical Approach


Live Webinar January 18th, 2012 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Presented by American Management Association (REP 1294)
Although the AMA is an REP this opportunity may not have a course number Contact the AMA for further information.

Learn what Every Manager Should Know About Feedback

As a manager, you know what good feedback should look like—in theory. But in practice, managers and leaders often find themselves doing some (or all) of these:

  • Fretting about the conversation for days or even weeks
  • Pussy-footing around the real topic hoping the employee will get the hint
  • Breaking things when you’re trying to make them better
  • Skipping the whole thing altogether thinking it will all just go away
  • What if having those tough conversations was just a whole lot less… tough?

During this webcast we’ll look at the neuroscience of feedback—how our brains work and what that tells us about the art of management—and you’ll leave with a simple, practical tool that will help you turn the theory of feedback into regular practice.

While attending this program is FREE, reservations are required.

We encourage you to register even if you are unable to attend live; you’ll receive replay information following the event.

Presenter: Michael Bungay Stanier (LinkedIn profile) is the founder and senior partner of Box of Crayons. He created the eight irresistible principles of fun, a short Internet movie that has been viewed by millions of people, and his first book, Get Unstuck & Get Going…on the stuff that matters, has won a number of publishing and design awards. His book, Do More Great Work: Stop the Busywork. Start the Work That Matters , contains 15 practical tools to help you find, start, sustain more great work. View a short animated version of this manifesto, or visit:

PDU Category C documentation details

Process Groups: Executing

Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for The Feedback Dilemma: Why Is Something So Important So Hard to Do?


Live Webinar January 18th, 2011 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
Sponsored by: PMI IS CoP (REP #S010 )
Presented by: Todd C Williams and eCameron Inc (@eCamInc)

At the end of the webinar, attendees will understand the benefits of and methods for fostering early stakeholder involvement and methods measure and maintain alignment. This advanced webinar conveys techniques that executives and PMO managers can implement.

With the current rate of IT project failures, estimated anywhere from 40% to 70%, improving project success rates must be one of every project manager’s primary goals.

There are no silver bullets….

Therefore, reversing the tide of project failure entails more than applying process. Process only addresses a small fraction of the problems plaguing our projects. A major missing component is a thorough comprehension of the project’s value to the customer. This is exacerbated by the standard organizational structure placing IT in an isolated silo away from the business.

Dismantling the walls between IT and the business is a responsibility far from the reach of any given project, but is single area where the most benefit can be seen.

It requires using a number of techniques, learned while recovering red projects, to improve the chances of their success. It requires using the concept of Guidance Teams, quantitatively measuring stakeholder alignment for portfolios long before the project is started. These techniques get the project delivery people involved with the project during the customer’s inception.

This presentation covers:

  • The concept and responsibilities of a Guidance Team.
  • Involving the delivery team at the customer’s project inception.
  • Measuring and maintaining stakeholder expectations from inception through delivery.
  • Simple tricks to improve communication with the project team.
  • Defining the proper methodology for the project.

The focus is customer and stakeholder relationship. By creating and maintaining alignment at a point long before the project actually starts, greatly improves the chances for success.

Todd C. Williams, PMP (LinkedIn profile) is a professional audit and turn-around specialist in IT and manufacturing, and author of the bestseller Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure. Todd is a speaker, blogger, helping mature companies & start-ups alike.

Project failure is prevalent in all projects. Todd’s Back From Red TM blog addresses the reasons for project failure along with methods to avert and correct the problems that cause the failure. Follow him on Twitter @backFromRed and read his blog. I highly recommend following his work – EdmontonPM

To See Todd Talk about his new Book Hover over this link

Doing it right the first time

About eCameron Inc: eCameron is a management consulting firm specializing in projectand organizationset-up, turn-around and recovery services. Excelling in methodologies forrescuingtroubled ‘red’ Projects, they provide senior-level professionals to analyze issues and deficiencies, suggest corrections, and assist with personnel reassignment. eCameron has the personnel and experience to create plans for major acquisitions, restructuring organizations or turn-around and can prevent ‘red’ projects before they happen. They implement changes to get your organizationsand projects on track. See the ECameron Events Calendar for their latest session information.

About PMI Information Systems Community of Practice; PMI IS CoP delivers knowledge and provides virtual networking for project professionals interested in, working in, or impacted by developments in information systems project management.

The Information Systems (I.S.) CoP provides its members with industry leading content and collaboration through a wide variety of mediums. From monthly webinars and newsletters, to daily updated blogs and discussion boards this community is centered on its members needs. In addition to webinars and podcasts, our professional development team provides its members with PhD programs, scholarships and, coming soon, mentoring opportunities.

Click to register for Tearing Down Project Barriers Between The Business And IT — PMI® Information Systems CoP Webcast


Live Webinar – January 17th 2012, 9:30 am – 10:30 am EST
Offered by: Global Knowledge (REP 1999)
Duration: 1 hour 1 PDU / 1 CDU Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU

In the webinar ‘Maximizing Success in a Changing Environment’ expert Michelle Moore (LinkedIn profile) will discuss the nature of change and how to both lead and deal personally with the constantly accelerating pace of change in today’s business environment.

The webinar will include the following elements:

  • Understanding Reactions to Change
  • The Change Process
  • Accelerating through the Change Process
  • Recognizing and Minimizing Resistance to Change
  • Recognizing and Leveraging Change Enablers

Click to register for Maximizing Success in a Changing Environment: Leadership and Business Skills for IT Professionals


Online Webinar – Offered by Daptiv
Duration 1 hour 1 PDU or 1 CDU 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU

PMO Professionals Webinar Series: Defining & Optimizing Your Portfolio is an excellent session that has yet to be noticed by the Project Management Community. The Session was recorded March 15th 2011 but Posted on YouTube November 29th, 2011.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How do I improve strategic alignment?
  • How do I get more visibility into active project performance?
  • How do I help my organization see projects as investments?

PDU Category C documentation details:

Process Groups: Planning, Monitoring & Controlling

Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration

  • 4.1 Develop Project Management Charter
  • 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

To view PMO Professionals Webinar Series: Defining & Optimizing Your Portfolio Either:

  1. Hover Over the link to view & leave your mouse in the window OR ….
  2. Ifyou wish to view the presentation on YouTube instead

Daptiv’s Press Release “Daptiv Forecasts Top Predictions for Project Portfolio Management in 2012” (November 29th 2011 Seattle Wa.) contains great insights on the changes coming to PPM in the year ahead – It is worth definitely reviewing – EdmontonPM

About Daptiv:

Founded in 1997, Daptiv’s PPM solution has over 80,000 subscribers. Daptiv has helped thousands of companies improve their strategic planning and business execution by offering flexible PPM solutions and expert professional services.

Daptive provides industry-leading PPM functionality, but unlike vendors that force you to change your processes to fit their tools, they have designed their solution with you and your team in mind. Daptiv is flexible and easily configured so that you can introduce powerful new PPM capabilities – when and where your organization is ready for them. Daptiv’s customers include world-class organizations such as BASF, Chase Paymentech, Harvard University, Honeywell, La Poste and Virgin Blue