Archive for January, 2013


Live Webinar – February 6th, 2013 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C- Free PDU
Sponsored by: PEX – The Process Excellence Network

The use of specialized technologies for business process automation and improvement (BPMSs specifically) has accelerated over the past decade. While thousands of organizations have benefited from this – in the form of reduced manual processes, increased efficiency and reduced costs – process improvement practitioners have largely remained disconnected from projects that use BPMS technology. However, where process improvement professionals do get involved in these projects, the outcomes tend to be better.

So what is holding organizations back from delivering more integrated approaches to business process improvement? And conversely, what can we learn from those who have led the charge?

In this webinar, Neil Ward-Dutton (LinkedIn profile) and Mark McGregor (LinkedIn profile) present the findings of a recent survey conducted in collaboration with PEX Network exploring these questions.

Join this webinar to:

  1. Reflect on what the changing role of technology and process automation in our organizations means for you and your role as a process practitioner
  2. Understand what it means to deliver a more integrated approach to business process improvement
  3. Hear advice from innovators who have had success with an integrated approach and get practical ideas you can apply to your own organization

Presenter: Neil Ward-Dutton is MWD’s co-founder and Research Director, and is one of Europe’s most experienced and high-profile IT industry analysts. His areas of expertise include business process management (BPM), enterprise architecture (EA) and service oriented architecture (SOA) and IT governance, and he is currently the lead analyst for MWD’s BPM Continuous Advisory Service.

PDU Category C documentation details:

Process Groups: Planning Executing

Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 5 – Scope 10 – Communications

  • 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Execution
  • 5.2 Define Scope

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for How to Bridge the Gap Between Process Improvement and Automation


Live Webinar February 6th, 2013 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Presented by American Management Association (REP 1294)
Although the AMA is an REP this opportunity may not have a course number Contact the AMA for further information.

Discover How Performance Measurements Drive Results

Human capital analytics have been around in some way, shape or form for over 20 years.

  • But are human capital analytics really valued by business leaders?
  • Do the analytics really provide insight to, or drive, business performance?

The true answer to these questions is generally “no.”

It is time to advance to the next generation of human capital analytics—HC analytics 2.0 that drive business performance. They allow organizations to more efficiently deploy their human capital to minimize costs, drive top-line revenue and build a sustainable competitive advantage relative to their competitors.

Join Wendy Hirsch and Brian Kelly (LinkedIn profile) from Mercer to hear real-life case studies on how innovative companies are leveraging analytics of tomorrow to fundamentally transform their businesses today!

Participants will come to understand the current state of the human capital analytics, including a review of what successful organizations are doing and models they employ to achieve success. Participants will also gain insight into “what’s next” in analytics and planning and how to evolve their analytics initiatives.

While attending this program is FREE, reservations are required – However most AMA webinars are recorded for later viewing.

We encourage you to register even if you are unable to attend live; you’ll receive replay information following the event.

PDU Category C documentation details

Process Groups: Executing

Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for How Innovative Companies Leverage Workforce Metrics and Analytics

Science + Math = Recognition


Live Webinar February 5th, 2013 – 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST
Presented by: Human Capital Institute
Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU

From study to study, satisfaction with recognition is consistently and highly correlated with overall engagement. It is a key indicator of how engaged an employee will be, and thus how productive and loyal. But why can recognition experiences, programs and practices have this type of impact?

Some of the latest insights from human science sheds light on why recognition can be so motivating, rewarding and drive behavior. It also offers new insights into how to make Recognition more than just a “thanks,” but a powerful cultural, leadership and development tool.

This webinar will cover:

  • The latest science behind human motivation
  • How science explains the impact of recognition on individuals and business
  • How we can create more powerful recognition practices
  • How we can design more impactful recognition and reward programs
  • Simple methods to value the return on investing in reward and recognition

PDU Category C documentation details

Process Groups: Executing

Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Science + Math = Recognition


Live Webinar February 5th, 2013 – 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST
Presented by the Corporate Education Group (REP 1011) Course ID: BAW1301
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU

Defining accurate requirements that correctly reflect stakeholder expectations is an essential activity for all business analysts.

In this webinar, you’ll gain insight as to why use cases are a proven technique for eliciting, defining, analyzing, and documenting user requirements.

You will learn how to create high-level use case diagrams in UML, and how to effectively document accurate and detailed functional requirements using a methodical approach; finally, you will see how use cases can be applied to business process modeling and how such business use cases can be used to identify system use cases.

About the Presenter: Dr. Martin Schedlbauer (LinkedIn profile) has been leading and authoring seminars and workshops in business analysis, software engineering, and project management for over twenty years. Martin, an accomplished business analysis subject matter expert, is a recognized leader in software development practices, a practicing scrum master, experienced software architect, and also serves as an advisor for several industry conferences; additionally, Martin maintains an active research agenda in agile methods, requirements analysis, and human performance modeling.

Click to register for Master Use Cases: Concepts, Techniques, and Best Practices


Live Webinar February 7th 2013 – 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 Category B PDU – Free PDU
Presented by: Acumen – Proven Project Analytics

Accurate Risk Analysis & Forecasting
Is A Necessity

In high-stakes projects such as those common to the oil and gas industry can be the difference between being a project hero and being responsible for project failure.

This complimentary webinar presentation will walk through the five key considerations for conducting an accurate schedule risk analysis and what to consider when evaluating risk analysis results.

Learn how this process can not only help to ensure that a project successfully meets finish requirements, but is an integral part of passing internal reviews and third party assessments such as those by IPA Global.

  • Learn the risk assessment methodology implemented on global projects totaling over $300B
  • Gain insight into key risk reporting metrics and how to accurately interpret results
  • Take home tips and techniques for building a schedule risk model, identifying mitigation opportunities, and evaluating risk exposure
  • Hear how companies today are using Acumen Risk for simplified analysis and as an integral step in passing internal reviews and third party assessments such as IPA Global

PDU Category C documentation details:


Process Groups: Initiating & Executing, Planning


Knowledge Areas: 10 – Communication 11 – Risk


  • 11.1 Plan Risk Management
  • 11.2 Identify Risks
  • 11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • 11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • 11.5 Plan Risk Responses


As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for 5 Steps for Successful Schedule Risk Analysis on Oil & Gas Projects

Resource Capacity Management


Live Webinar – February 5th, 2013 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Presented by: Eclipse Project Portfolio Management
Duration: 1 hour 1 PDUs Credits: Category C 1 PDU- Free PDU

Organization structures in most companies today make resource management a daunting task. A lack of visibility into resource allocation and capacity, consistent prioritization and validation of actual work versus planned, contribute to this challenge.

Over 50% of IT organizations surveyed use their “best guess” when determining what capacity IT has to perform projects in a given period.

This webinar presents the fundamentals for creating and implementing a Resource Management Model using people, process and technology. A Resource Management Model is a set of processes that provide visibility, decision support and structure to effectively manage people in an organization.

Allocating resources based on availability and fit, supported by standard processes, will improve the success and predictability of projects across your organization.

Who should attend this webinar?
COO’s, CIOs, Department VPs and Managers, PMs, Resource Managers

NOTE: You may have to hit the MORE… link to register for this session on the registration page.

PDU Category C documentation details:

Process Groups: Executing

Knowledge Areas: 4- Integration 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.1 Develop Human Resources Plan
  • 9.2 Acquire Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C, ‘Self Directed Learning’, activity remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder.’

Click to register for Resource Capacity Management