Chat Live with World-Class Professionals – Every Friday
March 29th, 2012 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Connect With Other World Class Project Managers
Learn Their Secrets To Success!
#PMChat is a “Live Weekly Twitter Chat” with PMs throughout the world – hosted by Robert Kelly (LinkedIn, @RKelly976),Hala Saleh (@halasaleh1) and Rob Prinzo (LinkedIn, @RobPrinzo).
#PMChat – participants ALWAYS tell it as it is Not what we learn it should be! It’s 60 minutes of lively discussion with practical Project Program and Portfolio management ideas that will stimulate you!
Chats have been archived by @EdmontonPM on Your Project Success – Read some 🙂
- Political Savvy #pmchat Feb 1st , 2013
- E-Negotiations #pmchat Feb 8th, 2013
- Project Communication #pmchat March 1st, 2013
Always with A sense of humor, A reality check, and …. Lots of support
#PMChat will will be the highlight of your week.
Susanne Madsen – March 29th 2013
In a project management context, Coaching is the practice of helping project manages to identify and articulate what their professional challenges, goals and aspirations are and subsequently assist them in achieving these goals through in-depth conversations.
Project Manages can use coaching as a tool in many different contexts.
- First, they can coach and mentor junior project managers and help them grow and develop.
- Secondly they can choose to be coached themselves by engaging a professional coach or by asking a more senior colleague to be their mentor.
- A Third way of using coaching is for project managers to get in the habit of asking insightful questions of themselves and keeping an open mind.
This type of “self-coaching” is especially useful in combination with a good coaching or leadership book that can help guide the individual.
Questions which are likely to be up for discussion during the live #PMCHAT include:
- What are the benefits of coaching and mentoring PMs?
- How big a role does coaching play in your daily job?
- What are your best coaching tips & experiences?
- What would it take for us to coach more and also encourage others to do so?
- What would the benefits be to you personally if you had a coach?
About the Guest
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Join Susanne Madsen – Program Director, Project Leadership Coach, author of Project Management Coaching Workbook: Six Steps to Unleashing Your Potential |
Susanne believes that a great project manager is first and foremost able to manage his or her own state of mind and that project management success is as much about managing people as it is about managing tasks, plans and resources. As a result she helps people to look inwards and become a better leader; someone who sets a great personal example, who is excellent at inspiring and focusing the team and who also understands how to liaise with the client and senior stakeholders to deliver that which they really need.
Join us on on #PMChat Friday March 29th to discuss project management coaching benefits, tips and techniques. To read more about coaching for project managers, please check-out Susanne’s informative blog On Coaching PMs including lots of great resources for PMs.
In addition to the lively discussion & idea sharing, #PMChat participants are eligible to receive PDU credits. Read the page on The PM chat Website that talks about Category C PDUs.
About Twitter & Twitter Chats
JOIN #PMCHAT: You can sign in to your Twitter account and Search for #PMCHAT and make sure that all your replies have #PMCHAT within the 140 character response.
BUT WE RECOMMEND: Just click on the link and sign in with your Twitter account. Tweetchat makes the Twitter chat easy.
PDU Category C documentation details:
Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources
- 9.3 Develop Project Team
As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’
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