
Power of the Profession:
IIL Virtual Event for IPM Day
Earn Up To 12 Category A PDUs

Live Event & Online Webinars
Must Be Completed Between November 7th, 2013 – December 7th
Presented by: International Institute of Learning (IIL), Inc.
Duration: Up to 12 hours – Up To 12 Category A 12 PDU – Free PDUs

Frank P. Saladis (LinkedIn profile) PMP, Founder of International Management Day (IPM Day), travels the world speaking and training on project management topics. We featured Frank in our post Great PMs BAs & Agiles Know How To Smile! Project Management Lessons with Humor.

November 7th is the 10th Annual International Project Management (IPM) Day. IPM Day was started by Frank Saladis and has become a significant date in the Project Manager’s calendar. IPM Day was established as a way of recognizing the extraordinary efforts made by project management professionals everywhere – across industries and geographies.

To mark this day, IIL is hosting an exciting program titled The Power of the Profession. This event features 29 recorded video presentations and the opportunity to earn up to 12 PDUs.

TheThe Power of the Profession video presentations feature global industry professionals, experts, and influencers discussing engaging and relevant project management topics.

View Presentations
Read White Papers, Articles
Connect & Share with Peers


Earn up to 12 Category A PDUs!

Four Virtual Locations to Visit:

  1. Video Presentations: Here you will be able to watch recorded video presentations led by over 30 professionals from around the world. They will discuss the most current and critical topics in project management today. You can learn more about the presenters and their topics by visiting the “Speakers” section of this site.
  2. PowerPoint Slides: Download any of the slides from the video presentations that interest you.
  3. Exhibition Hall: Here you will find our Virtual Booths where you can learn more about Gold Sponsors and IIL. While visiting this area during the LIVE INTERACTION HOURS you can chat with representatives from our sponsors and IIL as well as download valuable takeaways and product information.
  4. Networking Lounge: Chat and interact with your peers from around the world in the Networking Lounge.

Click Power of the Profession: IIL International Project Day for the Event Registration page. Once you register for IPM Day 2013, you will be sent a confirmation email with your log-in you.

Presentations can be viewed only from
November 7 2013 to December 7 2013

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IIL International Project Management Day

Speakers and Presentations

Click for the Speakers and Presentations page


Last year IIL will provided one (1) PDU number that applied to the overall event. Upon filling out the surveys at the end of each video, the “same” PDU number was provided. IPM Day 2013: Power of the Profession will include over 30 presentations with up to 12 hours of content. If you watch all of the videos you may claim up tp 12 Category A PDUs with PMI®. If you only watch 2 hours of videos, you can claim 2 PDUs. This process is set up on the honor system in accordance with PMI®’s Code of Ethics

Click Power of the Profession: IIL International Project Day for the Event Registration page. Once you register for IPM Day 2013, you will be sent a confirmation email with your log-in you.