Archive for April, 2014


Live Webinar April 15th, 2014 12:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT
Duration:  1 Hour  Credits: 1 PDU/CDU  Cat B – Free PDU/CDU
Presented by: IIBA    Pharma/Biotech SIG

This webinar will focus on the three main areas that comprise pharmaceutical R&D:

  1. The Beginning of Basic Discovery: Identifying a Disease process (What’s wrong?)
  2. Preclinical Development and Phase I trials: What the drug does to the body? What does the body do to the drug? (Toxicology and Safety)
  3. Clinical Development: Clinical trials to determine drug safety in humans. (Effectiveness/Safety Regulations)

Part one covers the various aspects of basic research. This sets the stage for discussing the purpose of preclinical development and describing what that entails.

The goal is to demystify each step in the process for the non-scientist.

Lastly, there are certain regulations and guidelines that govern human clinical trials to ensure drug safety in larger populations, clinical development.

For those who would like to learn more about the Pharma/Biotech R&D domain, this introduction will provide an overview of the high level processes from the lab to the clinic.

Presenter: Aubrey Watkins III, Ph.D. (LinkedIn profile), is Associate Director, Global Procurement, at Merck Sharp & Dohme, and is responsible for establishing contracts and managing over $100M of business with suppliers on a global basis in support of pre-clinical research and manufacturing of vaccines and biologics for Phase I trials.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:

Process Groups: Planning

Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration

  • 4.1 Develop Project Charter
  • 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for IIBA: Pharmaceutical Research and Development: From Discovery to Approval


Live Webinar – April 15th, 2014 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT Presented by: Eclipse Project Portfolio Management Duration: 1 hour 1 PDUs Credits: Category C 1 PDU- Free PDU Resource availability is a key source of negative risk to projects. Even if your project has well-defined scope and validated activity effort estimates, if the resources you are provided are working on multiple projects and operational activities, predictability of schedule outcomes is poor. This webinar will review some options for responding to this risk from both a systemic and project-focused perspective. LESSONS LEARNED:

  1. Understand the criticality of uncertain resource availability on project outcomes.
  2. Learn which approaches for getting better knowledge of resource availability won’t work in your organization.
  3. Gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of the practices that can successfully incorporate resource availability uncertainty into project planning and tracking.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details: Process Groups: Initiating & Executing, Planning Knowledge Areas: 11 – Risk

  • 11.1 Plan Risk Management
  • 11.2 Identify Risks
  • 11.5 Plan Risk Responses

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’ Who should attend this webinar? Managers/Directors of PMOs, Project Managers NOTE: You may have to hit the MORE… link to register for this session on the registration page. Click to register for Managing Uncertainty in Resource Availability


Project Manager Success Summit

Live 3 day Free Conference – April 25th, 26th & 27th, 2014
Presented by: Michael Charles, PMP / PM Leadership Coach
EARN Up to 19 PDUs Credits: Category B 19 PDU – Free PDUs

Below are the session and speaker information for:
April 25th Day 1 of the Summit

PDU Of The Day Will be Featuring Day 2 – April 26th, speaker presentations on our site Wednesday April 9th The information for Day 3 will be published April 27th on Friday April 11th on PDU Of The Day

The summit is a 3-day VALUE-PACKED event where the world’s top project management and leadership experts, trainers, coaches and thought leaders are brought together to share insights, practical tips and strategies to help you become a more effective and successful leader in order to achieve better, quality results through your team.

Sixteen (16) interviews/presentations spread out over 3 consecutive days all meant to empower you to lead effectively.  There will also be THREE(3) ADDITIONAL BONUS PRESENTATIONS for your growth and enjoyment.

That’s a total of 19 interviews /presentations.

Click Project Manger Success Summit

Once you register, you will be given access to the session schedule and speaker’s swag.

NOTE:  Sessions are available during a 24 hour period free – Recordings can be purchased after the event.

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Day 1 – Friday, April 25th

Speakers and Presentations

Todd Williams

Todd Williams PMP

Todd C. Williams, PMP (LinkedIn profile @BackFromRed) is a professional audit and turn-around specialist in IT and manufacturing, and author of the bestseller Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure. Todd is a speaker, blogger, helping mature companies & start-ups alike.

Project failure is prevalent in all projects. Todd’s Back From Red TM blog addresses the reasons for project failure along with methods to avert and correct the problems that cause the failure. Follow him on Twitter @backFromRed and read his blog.

There is a A Learning Guide For “Rescue The Problem Project”  that builds the WBS for rescuing your problem projects.

Rescuing Red Projects

In this interview Todd C. Williams author of “Rescue the Problem Project”, will discuss causes of project failure. This will range from the failure sources at the highest level—misalignment to corporate strategy—to organizational issues, to lower level issues such as technology. He will explain the steps to:

  1. Straighten out a wayward project,
  2. Get it back on track, and the need to
  3. Address root causes.

Join Todd and learn how to prevent your project from becoming the problem project. And if you’re already there, we’ll discuss strategies to help you rescue the project.

Click to learn how to earn 10 More PDUs with Todds Book and the Learning Guide to Rescue the Problem Project

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Kevin Ciccotti

Kevin Ciccotti CPCC, ACC

Presenter: Kevin Ciccotti CPCC, ACC, (LinkedIn profile) is a Certified Professional Coach and founder of Human Factor Formula. For more than 25 years  Kevin has focused on the key behavioral elements that drive human performance and decision-making, and provides Project Managers with tools to better understand themselves, their coworkers, their teams.

The Human Factor in Project Management

One of the biggest challenges to successful project implementation is the evolution of the project team. The challenge of taking a diverse group of individuals, with varying backgrounds and experience, from different functional areas, and placing them on a project team with a PM who has no direct authority, can severely undermine the success of any project.

In “The Human Factor in Project Management,” Kevin offers cutting-edge insights and strategies for developing world-class leadership skills, building more resonant relationships, and getting teams to commit and work together more effectively from the outset. These tools are on the leading edge of leadership strategies and human behavior, and are essential to the success of Project Managers.

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Rob Prinzo

Rob Prinzo PMP

Rob Prinzo PMP (LinkedIn, @RobPrinzo) is author of the excellent book –  No Wishing Required – The Business Case for Project Assurance,   as well as Project Soup: Recipes for Managing to Success and Collaborative Intervention: How to Identify, Assess and Intervene in Troubled Technology & Transformation Projects.    He is also one of the co-founders of #PMCHAT a twitter Chat held Fridays at 12 PM ET.

An archive of the 2013 #PMChats can be found at  These discussions include the Chats Video Links and More to compliment the topics.  Hit the “View All” link on the right side of the page to view all of the Chats.

How to Assure Project Success: No Wishing Required

When it comes to software implementation projects, most organizations are left wishing that things had been done differently. Industry statistics show that a large percentage of enterprise software implementations fail to deliver anticipated results ranging from missed deadlines and cost overruns to disgruntled users or unimplemented software. Even if a project is considered ‘successful’, the shear effort alone can take a toll on project team members and the organization as a whole.

Based on the insights uncovered in his book, Collaborative Intervention: How to Identify, Assess and Intervene in Troubled Business Technology and Transformation Projects, Rob Prinzo reveals his unique methodology designed to overcome the issues faced by enterprise software implementation teams.

From this interview, attendees will learn: the six critical points in every project, an easy to use methodology for conducting project assessments, best practices for developing collaborative team behavior and a working understanding of tools and techniques to build a communications-centric foundation for the entire project team – from executives to end-users.

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Joie Seldon

Joie Seldon

Joie Seldon, M.A. (LinkedIn profile) is a business results coach and an innovator in the field of Emotional Intelligence. Her workbook, “Emotions: An Owner’s Manual” will be published later this year. She is the founder of Emotion Education and creator of Practice Your Pitch Workshops. A master improvisation teacher, Joie was a professional actor and acting teacher for thirty years. She holds an M.A. in Somatic Counseling Psychology. Her work as a somatic therapist and entrepreneur led her to helping business professionals learn practical skills and overcome internal blocks to success.

The Power of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Project Managers have many challenges – unrealistic deadlines, lack of resources, constant demands and unclear stakeholders – to name a few. Every additional challenge adds more pressure.

Whether it’s dealing with team members or the challenges of being the one in charge, stress, frustration, anger, disappointment, fear and anxiety are actually normal feelings that arise when under pressure. Naming and understanding the function of these emotions, and how to deal with them, has enormous impact on communication and performance.

By attending this event members will . . .

  • Learn practical fundamentals you can apply to managing stress.
  • Understand the impact of unconscious or unacknowledged emotions on communication.
  • Learn an important key to managing teams.

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Michael Charles

Michael Charles

Michael Charles PMP (LinkedIn profile) is a John Maxwell Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach who speaks on leadership and team development.  Michael did a great webinar for the PMI LEAD CoP (REP #S004) called Communicating to Connect (which is worth 1 Category A PDU).  Michael has led several teams as a Project Manager founded the “Light The World Foundation“, a charity founded in 2009 to educate children in Haiti.  Their 4th Annual Charity Concert will be July 12th, 2014.

Visit Michael’s site “The PM Leadership Coach” and Read his “Leading With Intent” blog

The 4 Dimensions of High Performance Teams

Leading a high-performing team is every Project Managers dream. With a high performing team, projects get delivered on time, on budget and to client’s specifications and the project leader and the team members are not stressed out and do not lose much sleep over it. Join us for this FREE pre-conference webinar series and…

  1. Understand the barriers to high performance teams
  2. Learn the drivers and four dimensions of a high performing team
  3. Learn practical tips on how to start developing your own high performance project team

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Karen Smits 2

Karen Smits PHD

Karen Smits PHD (LinkedIn profile  @Karen_Smits) is an Organizational Anthropologist, and Trainer in Business Culture. Ph.D. Author of Cross Culture Work in Panama Canal Expansion Program. Curious, straight-forward and always smiling, Karen is an excellent speaker on Cross Culture Collaboration.  You can read her blog at  or order her book Cross Culture Work: Practices of Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program online.

Culture and Collaboration in Project Management

In the execution of a project, collaboration is inevitable. Requiring a combination of skills, knowledge and resources, projects often attract numerous participants, each bringing their own cultural background to the project organization. With a focus on research data that I gathered in the Panama Canal Expansion Program, I will elaborate on cross-cultural collaboration in mega projects. The practices of collaboration that came to the fore are illustrated in the Collabyrinth and portray how project participants deal with the cultural complexity in their everyday work life.

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Dave L Davis

Dave L. Davis PMP PgMP

Dave L. Davis PMP PgMP  is a self-proclaimed practitioner of WOW!  Dave Davis has enough credentials that all the associated acronyms would make a full bowl of vegetable soup.  A proven dynamic, creative, and enthusiastic leader.   Dave has the unique ability to share his experience in a light hearted effective style that educates and motivates.  He has shared his message in many web publications and presentations throughout Europe and North America. Few people can combine business intelligence with strong leadership and a sense for using structured Program Management to further a company’s strategy like he can. He stays on top of emerging technologies and its associated social impact, and knows what can benefit an organization.

Leadership Through WOW!
Patton, Powell, Mandela and Moeller

Inspiration is the arousal of the mind to motivate extraordinary activity or creativity.  Leaders inspire so a team can produce more than is theoretically possible.  A leader inspires, but how do we know what it is when we see it, and how can a person learn to recognize and use it?

This presentation examines inspiration and examples of inspirations in all facets of our life and how these lessons can be used to improve leadership skills.  Drawing from a wide range of personal expertise and continuous learning, Dave will present a grab bag of different ways inspiration can be found in our lives.  Whether it is a story of inspiration or a real life example, there is a core set of values and behaviors that facilitate inspiration.

This interview will explore those values and behaviors as well as give glimpses of a grab bag of inspiration examples. You will leave this session with a better realization of how people are inspired and how you also can inspire others.

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Click Project Manger Success Summit

Once you register, you will be given access to the session schedule and speaker’s swag.



Live Webinar April 14th, 2014 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm  EDT
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
Sponsored by: PMI Government CoP (REP #S007)

Making Your Sponsor Take Notice!

Join David Barrett as he discusses essential communication skills for the Government Project Manager from his new book “The Keys to Our Success”!

Learn about:

  • The Seven Bullets of Highly Effective Project Managers
  • Getting in the Head of Your Sponsor

Presenter: David Barrett (LinkedIn profile) is a Founding Member IIBA and Professional Speaker. He is also the Project Director for the Centres of Excellence in Project Management and Business Analysis at The Schulich Executive Education Centre, York University, the co-editor of and

Note: You do have to be a PMI® member to register for this opportunity.

Click to register for Essential Communication Skills for the Government PM


Live Webinar April 15th, 2014 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Min Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
Presented by: Computer Aid Inc IT Metrics & Productivity Institute (Rep 2733)

Louis Poulin (LinkedIn profile) will help you look at an approach for converting large amounts of effort data collected within an organization into something that can be meaningfully used for estimation and comparison purposes.

Click to register for Translating Time Cards into Something that can be Used for Software Estimation and Comparison Purposes

The Live Session Is Free But…

You can get the recorded version of this session & over 500+ other Quality Category A PDU Sessions with an
ITMPI Membership

Premium Memberships are only $199 USD per year
An Excellent Value!!

Search for “2733” to see other great titles available!
Memberships Include all PDU Codes

Note: ITMPI charges a fee to obtain individual PDU codes. This fee ONLY needs to be paid if you ask the provider for the code – This code should be able to be obtained from the PMI.ORG site for free. An ITMPI Membership entitles you to receive all ITMPI PDU Codes and recordings.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team


Live Webinar – April 16th 2014, 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU
Note: Although ASPE is an REP presentations may have to be recorded as a Cat C PDU Event – Contact Traci Lester Marketing Specialist at ASPE for more information

An ASPE Business Book Review

Each month Aspe picks a valuable, substantive business book that they think will benefit the professionals they serve. Some are new; some are classics. Either way, they do the reading.

This month’s book is:   The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

This now-famous 2002 book has become an iconic leadership fable, and a foundational text in the world of Agile coaching and project management.

Any professional who is part of a team, leads a team, or relies on teams for results should consider this book required reading.

The five dysfunctions may seem obvious, but when you read Lencioni chances are you’ll realize how much they have cost your own organization.

Join Chris as he discusses how to deal with the five dysfunctions of a team:

  1. Absence of trust
  2. Fear of conflict
  3. Lack of commitment
  4. Avoidance of accountability
  5. Inattention to results

Presenter: Chris Knotts, PMP – (LinkedIn profile) ASPE Creative Director

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:

Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.1 Plan Human Resource Management
  • 9.2 Acquire Project Team
  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

If you enjoy this book, check out Getting Naked: Building Better Client Relationships