Archive for April, 2014


Live Webinar April 24th – 1:00 am – 12:00 pm  EDT
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category A – $15 USD
Presented by: Solutions Cube Group (REP 2451)

Each module in the series can be taken individually.

Many people are project managers but few exhibit project leadership skills. Project leadership is one of the dimensions that differentiates effective project managers from non-effective project managers. Being a leader requires more than managing the mechanics of a project. Effective leaders work collaboratively across organizations.

  • Do you participate collaboratively to generate creative solutions?
  • Do you seek alliances and partnerships?
  • Do you know how to respectfully ask for and use the support and talents of others?
  • Do you make a conscious effort to understand the business of your organization, rather than just be an expert in your technical area? Do you see yourself as a hub within a network, which is your organization?

Attend this 1 hour presentation to learn how improving your project leadership is a journey of continuous improvement and starts with self assessment. Discover tips for improvement in one aspect of project leadership – collaboration.

In this 1 hour in-depth webinar participants learn:

  • Differences between project leadership and project management
  • How to assess your project leadership skills in the area of team focus and support**
  • Practical tips for:
    • Fostering collaboration
    • Collaboratively generating creative solutions
    • Leading collaboratively
    • Collaborating in a virtual environment

Solutions Cube Group webinars are presented by experienced staff members and partners who have over 30 years of experience managing projects and developing and running facilitated project meetings and delivering project management training courses.

Who Should Attend This Webinar:

  • General Managers,  Project Managers, Program Managers,Portfolio Managers
  • Project Leads, Team Members
  • Business Stakeholders , Business Leads, Facilitators

Click to purchase Project Leadership vs. Project Management Series 6 of 6: Collaboration


Live Webinar April 23rd, 2014 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category A  – Free PDU
Sponsored by: PMI Ethics CoP (REP #S050)

The journey to project management excellence continues beyond earning a PMP to include practicing project leadership. However, even highly skilled project managers find success limited until they can sift through the bewildering amount of leadership information and identify actions essential for them.

This is a how-to presentation.

  • The presentation describes how project managers can take specific leadership actions that will contribute to project success.
  • It defines project leadership,
  • It draws from the large body of PMI-sponsored and related project leadership research,
  • It draws from the fields of ethics, trust and professional conduct,
  • And it gives emphasis to high performance teams.

Compelling lessons in project leadership from the Titanic are used to illustrate key points. A list of five essential project leader actions is  also included.

A central theme is that project managers can reduce project risk and become successful project leaders by taking the actions identified.

Michael O’Brochta is a member of the PMI Ethics Member Advisory Group; they are a global team of experienced volunteers committed to facilitate learning and discussion about ethics and professional conduct in project management.

Presenter: Michael O’Brochta (LinkedIn profile) ACP, PMP  MPM has managed hundreds of projects as Zozer Inc. President, he helps organizations raise their level of project management performance. As senior project manager at the Central Intelligence Agency, he led the project management and systems engineering training and certification program to mature practices agency-wide.  Since Michael’s recent climb of another of the world’s seven summits, he has been exploring the relationship between project management and mountain climbing

Note: You do have to be a PMI® member to register for this opportunity.

Click to register for Great Project Leadership,Five Essentials


Live Webinar – April 23rd, 2014 1:30 pm – 2:30 am EDT
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category B  – Free PDU
By:  Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute

What constitutes stellar performance and best practice? You can’t really say what’s good or best … unless you measure it.

High-performing athletes rely on measurement to understand and improve so that they can compete effectively and win. Can knowledge workers such as software engineers use measurement in a similar approach? Absolutely. But the measures need to be practical, relevant, trustworthy, and actionable. They need to be used by the individual to benefit the individual.

Join Mark and Bill to:

  • See the emerging empirical results of over 100 software project teams that have collected accurate performance data
  • Learn about the techniques that were developed and used to validate the accuracy of the collected data
  • Learn how four basic measures can provide close-looped feedback to help software engineers understand and improve their performance

You don’t need to measure everything.

It only takes a few basic and easy-to-collect measures to help you and your team manage schedule commitments and software quality. Tune in during this webinar to find out what those key measures are, how you can collect them, and how you and your software development team can use them effectively.

During this webinar, Mark and Bill will share the performance results of over 100 software teams that have carefully tracked their schedule performance and the quality of their work. They will show you how high-integrity empirical results such as these can be used at the individual, project, and industry levels to characterize performance in meaningful and insightful ways.


Mark Kasunic (LinkedIn profile)Mark joined the SEI in 1994 and is now a senior member of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) . Currently a member of the Team Software Process Initiative, Marks  work has focused on transitioning performance improvement technologies into practice. His current research  interests include, project performance measurement, and practical measurement /analysis approaches that help  improve technical performance. Mark  has a Masters in Systems Engineering. Mark is a certified TSP Mentor Coach and a certified Scrum Master.

William (Bill) Nichols PhD (LinkedIn profile)Bill  is as a senior member of the technical staff and serves as a Personal Software Process (PSP) instructor and Team Software Process (TSP) Mentor Coach with the TSP Initiative within the Software Solutions Division (SSD).  His TSP publications include the The PSP and TSP Bodies of Knowledge, The TSP Coach Mentoring Program Guidebook, and various publications addressing software quality planning. He has a doctorate in physics from Carnegie Mellon University.

Click to register for When Measurement Benefits the Measured


Live Webinar April 24th, 2014 – 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT
Presented by the Corporate Education Group (REP 1011)
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU
Course ID: MDW1262

Learn the process of change, and what is required to build commitment to change amongst your peers, direct reports, and organization. In this webinar, you will focus on how manage change effectively and become a more skillful change agent.

Learning topics include:

  • The ability to understand the cycle of change
  • An understanding of why people resist change and how to overcome that resistance in yourself and others
  • How to structure communications to facilitate change
  • Applying knowledge to your own changing situations

About the presenter: Stuart Simon, LICSW, has over 30 years experience as a consultant, trainer, and coach, and for the past 25 years, he has been a senior partner, consultant and trainer for Management Support Services, Inc. His areas of focus include negotiation skills, communication skills, change management, stress management, and conflict resolution.

Click to register for Strategies for Managing Change: Managing People in a Changing Environment



Effective PPM Change Management


Live Webinar – April 24th, 2014 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Presented by: Eclipse Project Portfolio Management
Duration: 1 hour 1 PDUs Credits: Category C 1 PDU- Free PDU

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) initiatives are expected to provide significant benefit to multiple roles within an organization.

Intuitively, most staff can understand the potential value in the organization, process and technology changes involved with a PPM initiative. However, the lack of change management practices through a PPM initiative’s implementation is one of the most common reasons for their failure. Symptoms of this issue can include poor executive commitment, resistance or political pressure from functional management and compliance issues with project teams.

Eclipse will review common misconceptions about PPM initiative implementations, provide some guiding principles for successful change and detail the steps and key communication messages necessary to gain buy-in from executive and functional management as well as from project teams.

This webinar will also provide tips that can be incorporated into the initiation and planning of your PPM initiative to increase your odds of success.

Who should attend this webinar?
C-Level Management, IT Directors and Managers or Directors of PMOs

NOTE: You may have to hit the MORE… link to register for this session on the registration page.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:

Process Groups: Planning, Monitoring & Controlling

Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration

  • 4.1 Develop Project Charter
  • 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’


Click to register for Effective PPM Change Management


Live Webinar April 25th, 2014 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm  EDT
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
Sponsored by: PMI Government CoP (REP #S007)

What makes a good PS2PM relationship?

  • Do project managers take project sponsors very seriously?
  • Do project sponsors take project managers very seriously?

The topic of Project Sponsors and Project Manager relationships (or PS2PM) has been discussed probably as long as sponsors have been formally recognized in the late 1980’s. Despite this length of time, PMs often underappreciate the importance of their relationship to their sponsor.

A good relationship depends largely on your perspective. A project or program manager wants a sponsor that has their back. Sponsors want a project manager they can rely upon to deliver, foresee risks and above all keep them informed.

In theory, these requirements sound straightforward except for human nature.

Sponsors and managers need to get along. Both need to adapt to each other’s style. But in the real world it is the project manager that often has to give the most.

Sponsors can be aloof or passionate, domineering or passive, micromanaging or seemingly disinterested. Project managers need to know how to manage projects according to these constraints that often do not appear in the project charter or the project risk register.

This webinar explores different types of sponsors and provides tips on how to manage projects accordingly.

Presenter: Robert Randall (LinkedIn profile) has never met a project sponsor he did not like. Robert is an experienced IM/IT project manager and management consultant who has been involved in several business transformation projects within the Governments of Canada and British Columbia.  Robert is also an active PMI volunteer and currently serves as president of the Vancouver Island Chapter.

Note: You do have to be a PMI® member to register for this opportunity.

Click to register for Project Sponsors in Government: The Good, Bad and the Ugly