Archive for January, 2015

Practical Project Risk Management


Live Webinar – February 5th, 2015 2:00 pm EST
Presented by: Eclipse Project Portfolio Management
Duration: 1 hour 1 PDUs Credits: Category B 1 PDU- Free PDU

NOTE: Eclipse will provide a Certificate for attendance upon request.

Risks exist on projects because by definition, projects possess uncertainty. Organizations that ignore risks experience reduced project success rates due to the wasted effort and delays that result from dealing with issues.

Risk management methodologies address this challenge but tend to be too theoretical or require significant process discipline or historical data to be practical.

During this webinar you will learn practical, lightweight best practices for managing risks throughout a project’s lifecycle.

Benefits of managing risks through this approach include:

  • Improved project predictability
  • Improved ROI for your overall portfolio
  • Quantification of cost & schedule contingencies
  • Reduced effort spent resolving project issues

Who should attend this webinar?
Managers/Directors of PMOs, Project Managers

NOTE: You may have to hit the MORE… link to register for this session on the registration page.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:

Process Groups: Initiating  & Executing, Planning
Knowledge Areas: 11 – Risk

  • 11.1  Plan Risk Management
  • 11.2  Identify Risks
  • 11.5  Plan Risk Responses

As a Category C “Self Directed Learning Activity” remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your “PDU Audit Trail Folder”

Click to register for Practical Project Risk Management


Live Webinar February 5th, 2015 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
Duration: 30 min Credits: .5 PDU Category C Free
Presented by : O’Reilly Webcasts

This webcast talk is designed to provide information for beginning managers and individual contributors who are looking at getting into management.

Christian will cover significant points regarding:

  • How to view UX in relation to the acquisition of new management & business-related responsibilities
  • Guidelines on how to interact with your team
  • Guidelines on how to interact with the rest of the organization
  • Guidelines on how to treat yourself as you take on the new role

The talk is organized around taking the focus of a young design manager away from design and geared towards learning more about the people around them and how their team and the manager can better support the business.
About Christian Manzella

Presenter: Christian Manzella (LinkedIn profile, @cmanzella) has been working in the internet for nearly 20 years, across multiple industries. He is co-founder of GIANT, and is the VP of UX & Design at Moz, in Seattle.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4- Integration 9 – Human Resources

  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4  Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Managing The UX Team: Learning How To Learn Again


Live Webinar February 4th, 2015 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Min Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
Presented by: Fissure Corporation (Rep 1026)

There are many tools and techniques “out there” to help in leading and building high performance teams.

In this presentation Fissure will look at several that have been used very successfully inside and outside of the workplace.

Each will be presented using real-life examples and the audience will participate in several exercises designed to apply and practice the tools and techniques.


  • The three leadership styles and a model for knowing which one to use
  • A process for developing productive relationships

Whether you’re a leader or team member, you will benefit from and enjoy this presentation.

Click to register for Leadership Styles & Productive Relationships


Live Webinar February 4th, 2015 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Min Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
Presented by: Computer Aid Inc IT Metrics & Productivity Institute (Rep 2733)

In this webinar, you will learn how to manage the portfolio of people relationships in your life.

Presenter: David Barrett (LinkedIn profile  @DBarrett1 @BA_World ) is a Founding Member IIBA and Professional Speaker and the founder  of, ProjectWorld, ProjectSummit and BusinessAnalystWorld conferences held around the world.  As the National Program Director for all Project Management training out of the Schulich Executive Education Centre, Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto, Canada and in partnership with nine other universities across Canada, he published several books including The Power of the Plan – Empowering the Leader in You!.

Click to register for Connect! And Stay Connected: Managing your Professional & Personal Relationships

The Live Session Is Free But…

You can get the recorded version of this session & over 500+ other Quality Category A PDU Sessions with an
ITMPI Membership

Premium Memberships are only $199 USD per year
An Excellent Value!!

Search for “2733” to see other great titles available!
Memberships Include all PDU Codes

Note: ITMPI charges a fee to obtain individual PDU codes. This fee ONLY needs to be paid if you ask the provider for the code – This code should be able to be obtained from the PMI.ORG site for free. An ITMPI Membership entitles you to receive all ITMPI PDU Codes and recordings.


Live Webinar – February 6th 2015, 12:00-1:00 PM EST
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU

Note: Although ASPE is an REP presentations may have to be recorded as a Cat C PDU Event – Contact Traci Lester Marketing Specialist at ASPE for more information

SharePoint is an Enterprise Collaboration platform which drives organizational engagement and allows teams to work on information together in a central portal.

SharePoint is over 100 million users worldwide and continues to retain strong traction. However, many organizations struggle with user adoption.

People don’t like to change, this is not a novel concept, so how do we “evangelists” encourage people to use SharePoint and to stick with it?

We have to show them value and processes that improve their productivity and make their jobs easier.

In this one-hour webinar, Tom will discuss how to engage information workers and how to quantify success of the SharePoint investment.

The topics that will be covered in this one hour webinar:

  • What is Adoption?
  • Creating value with SharePoint sites
  • Engaging users with the OOTB tools
  • Using incentive programs: Communities features
  • Measuring success

Presenter:Tom Robbins (LinkedIn profile) has 25+ years in the telecommunications and IT industry. A Microsoft Certified Trainer and CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer, Tom has been training for more than 15 years on the Microsoft Enterprise suite of products.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Planning, Monitoring & Controlling
Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 10 – Communications

  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 10.2 Manage Communications
  • 13.1 Identify Stakeholders
  • 13.2 Plan Stakeholder Management

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for SharePoint User Adoption: Maximizing & Sustainability


Live Webinar February 4th, 2015 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C  – Free PDU
Presented by American Management Association (REP 1294)
Although the AMA is an REP this opportunity may not have a course number Contact the AMA for further information.

Any company’s success is dependent on the high performance of its employees.

Interestingly, 95% of IBM executive women who participated in a recent study felt that consistent high performance was the most important factor in their advancement within IBM.

But in a company with so many high performers, finding appropriate ways to stand out and separate yourself from the rest is also an important element in your success.

This webcast shares the insights, experiences and recommendations gathered from over 450 interviews with IBM executive women, including:

  • Ways to be more visible
  • How to plan your career
  • Advice on integrating your work and life

We encourage you to register even if you are unable to attend live; you’ll receive replay information following the event.

Presenter:  Jennifer Howland (LinkedIn profile) is the executive of IBM’s Pathways Program for experienced technical women, a worldwide program to develop and implement bold actions to increase the representation of women in IBM’s technical executive positions by attracting, recruiting, developing and promoting experienced mid-career technical women into these leadership roles. Jennifer’s 29 years in IBM as an engineer, manager and executive has spanned a full range of responsibilities including engineering, strategy, product and services development, business and process transformation and service delivery.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.2 Acquire Project Team
  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Your Journey To Executive: Insights From Women Executives