Archive for February, 2016


Live Webinar February 24th 2016 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C Free
Presented by : O’Reilly

Guerrilla User Research has gotten itself a bad rap because the way in which it is often conducted is not methodical.

Through a Hollywood café case study, this presentation will outline exactly how to plan, conduct, and quickly analyze measurable feedback through cost-effective qualitative field research.

This technique is perfect for for stakeholders and teams with little time or low budgets, but desperate for answers to help determine if the value proposition of their digital product is on target.

Presenter: Jaime Levy (LinkedIn profile) For over 25 years Jaime has been a pioneer in the creation of innovative digital products and services. Heading  JLR Interactive she helps organizations transform their business concepts into innovative and scalable online solutions. A Speaker at design and innovation conferences worldwide and conducts public workshops and in-house training. Jamie also teaches a graduate level course on UX design and strategy at USC in the Viterbi School of Engineering.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Planning Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 5 – Scope 6 – Time

  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 5.3 Define Scope
  • 6.6 Develop Schedule

As a Category C, ‘Self Directed Learning’, activity remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder.’

Click to register for:
Conducting Methodical Guerrilla User Research Without Monkey Business

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

Live Webinar February 18th, 2016 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Min Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU
By: Computer Aid Inc IT Metrics & Productivity Institute (Rep 2733)

With all the attention on “big data”, business owners and corporations sometimes ignore “small data” and the valuable information it offers, easily accessible through Excel.

There are many books that speak to “how to use Excel” to do statistics, data analysis and Six Sigma, but they don’t ask
Why use Excel?

The answer: to achieve breakthrough improvements in speed, quality, productivity and profitability.

That’s what companies want—the result of data analysis, not data analysis itself.

This webinar’s presenter, Jay Arthur (LinkedIn profile) has used Excel to find million-dollar improvement opportunities and has helped companies save over $50 million.

Jay is a Six Sigma expert and one foot in Excel; he knows how to use Excel to find the invisible low-hanging fruit in companies.

This webinar is for business men and women who use Excel to analyze performance and who seek to identify opportunities for improvement. Job titles include: CFO, manager, and data analyst. The Six Sigma Belts may also benefit from this webinar.

Click to register for:
Turning Your Data Into Dollars Using Spreadsheets & Charts

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management


The Live Session Is Free But…

You can get the recorded version of this session & over 500+ other Quality Category A PDU Sessions with an
ITMPI Membership

Premium Memberships are only $199 USD per year
An Excellent Value!!

Search for “2733” to see other great titles available!
Memberships Include all PDU Codes

Note: ITMPI charges a fee to obtain individual PDU codes. This fee ONLY needs to be paid if you ask the provider for the code – This code should be able to be obtained from the PMI.ORG site for free. An ITMPI Membership entitles you to receive all ITMPI PDU Codes and recordings.


Live Webinar February 18th, 2016 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Webinar Duration: 1 Hour ea Credits: 1 Category B – Free PDUs
Presented by: Modern Analyst

This webinar will provide Business and Systems Analysts with some unique and time saving tools and techniques to improve how they define and manage requirements and collaborate with technical and business stakeholders; using a single source of truth.

Attendees will learn how to:

  • Author rich documents and diagrams in Microsoft Word, Excel and Visio and then publish the information to a requirements database
    • Effectively manage change and requirements revision control
    • Report & analyze traceability
    • Generate user defined specifications , reports, baselines
    • Automatically create diagrams from textual requirements
    • Automatically create use cases and test cases from diagrams
  • Simulate scenarios and screens to validate requirements
  • Discuss and provide feedback online or in Smart Documents

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. **


Bob Savelson  (LinkedIn profile) SVP Sales & Marketing eDev Technologies is a 20 year veteran in ALM and has helped companies around the world optimize their ALM practices by discovering current process gaps, applying best practices and facilitating the adoption of technology based productivity solutions; with specific emphasis in requirements definition and management.

Asif Sharif  (LinkedIn profile) Founder & Chief Technologist eDev Technologies is an  IT industry veteran.  Asif serves as the Chief Technologist of eDev Technologies where his leadership and experience drive the company’s corporate vision and business strategy.

Aaron Bjork  (LinkedIn profile) Principal Group Program Manager, Visual Studio Cloud Services, Microsoft Corporation is working in Microsoft’s Visual Studio Cloud Services (VSCS) division where he drives investment in work management, agile project management, reporting, and collaboration for Microsoft’s Visual Studio Online and Team Foundation Server products.

Click to register for:
Modern Requirements Lifecycle Management With Microsoft Office & TFS

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

Requirements Facilitation Workshop


Online Webinar – Recorded August 2014
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU
Course ID:  WS07301

NOTE: This is only a 1 Hr webinar not 3 Hrs as described on the ASPE page.

Understanding the real scope of any project is vital to controlling the project.

As a project manager or business analyst, it is key to first document the initial scope of the project and then direct, monitor and control the scope through Requirements Management techniques.

Learning these techniques provide the ability to more easily control the quality issues, costs, time and risks associated with on-going scope creep associated with requirements changes.

In this seminar you will:

  • Review the role of a facilitator in running a Requirements Workshop.
  • Learn the phases of a workshop and building the “Heart” of a workshop’s agenda.
  • Review useful facilitation techniques along with failures and critical success factors.
  • And more…

Presenter: Bob Keith

PDU Documentation Details (PMBOK 5):

Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4- Integration 5 – Scope 8 – Quality

  • 5.1 Plan Scope Management
  • 5.2 Collect Requirements
  • 5.5 Validate Scope

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for:
Requirements Facilitation Workshop

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

Live Webinar February 18th, 2016 – 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST
Presented by:  Human Capital Institute
Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU

Does Your Reward System Produce Results?

There is a $46 billion market for employee recognition and companies spend between 1-2% of their payroll on it.

With all the benefits experienced for these reward systems (such as, increased engagement, performance, and lower turnover), managers see them as an investment rather than an expense.

However, a rewards program that does not produce these benefits and align to the key performance indicators of an organization will be a waste of time and money and de-motivate employees.

Programs can fail or not produce desired results for many reasons such as:

  • Rewards are not personalized or meaningful to employees,
  • Rewards are not administered in a timely manner,
  • The program guidelines and rules are too complex,
  • Managers and peers are too busy to participate, or
  • Programs are not evaluated against organizational KPIs.

What are the greatest challenges for rewards and recognition programs and how can organizations ensure success?

With this research conducted in partnership between the Human Capital Institute and GC Incentives, we discover the new and effective ways employers are rewarding and recognizing employees’ performance.

From survey data and interviews with practitioners and thought leaders, Rick and Jenna will answer the following research questions:

  • What are the rewards and recognition practices organizations have in place?
    • What are their plans for their future use?
    • For what length of time are programs implemented?
    • What behaviors are they incentivize? Who is responsible for identifying and rewarding desired behaviors?
    • What resources (time and money) are spent on programs?
  • What roles do these programs play in the performance management and engagement strategies of organizations?
  • How successful are these programs at addressing the KPIs and organizational objectives?
  • What are the challenges experienced in getting buy-in, setting up/identifying KPIs, implementing and communicating the program, and measuring outcomes? What stages are the most difficult and how do organizations overcome these barriers?

Join Rick and Jenna in this research webcast as they reveal results from the study and take questions from the audience.

Registrants will receive a copy of the research report.

Presented By:

Rick Buer, (LinkedIn profile) CEO & President at

Jenna Filipkowski (LinkedIn profile) Director of Research, Human Capital Institute

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details
Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.1 Plan Human Resource Management
  • 9.2 Acquire Project Team
  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4  Manage Project Team

As a Category C “Self Directed Learning Activity” remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your “PDU Audit Trail Folder”

Note: SHRM has pre-approved this webcast for 1 Professional Development Credits (PDCs)

Click to register for:
Rewarding Simply: Recognize Incentive Program Complexities

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

Harmonizing Agility & Discipline


Live Webinar – February 17th, 2016 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Offered by IAG Consulting (REP 2858)
Duration 1 hour 1 PDU / 1 CDU 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU

Demystify a wide range of agile & traditional requirements / development methodologies!

This session looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and gives prescriptive guidelines to requirements leadership looking to improve results by striking a better balance between agile and disciplined practices.

These practices are not mutually exclusive – the real issue is to look at your current circumstances and find the right balance to maximize success.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Look at the structure of agility and discipline-based methods
  2. Provide guidelines for adding agile practices to traditional software development environments
  3. Provide guidelines for reapplying traditional development practices to the agile software development environment.

This session refocuses the agility versus discipline dialogue.

Click to register for:
Harmonizing Agility & Discipline

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management