
Live Webinar – July 31st, 2019 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

UberEats and McDonald’s now use drones for food delivery. Alexa and Google Assistant are now regarded as significant “assisting companions” for both home and office.

These are just examples of business and operations digitalization happening across all industries including government and non-profit entities.

The CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella says, “We are just starting a multi-trillion industry.” Every business will need to have a digital strategy in place if they are to survive.  This trend, impacts learning design and delivery.

Thought leaders like John Hagel (LinkedIn profile) and Josh Bersin (LinkedIn profile) suggest that there must be a shift in the types of skills that must be developed.

We need to redirect our energy from being overly focused on skills, roles and tasks based on instructions. There is an increasing need to begin to “scale” capacities for people to handle unknown, unexpected, and rapidly changing technologies; acquiring new skills that workers need when automation and A.I. take over many of the routine tasks and roles that people do.

The new capacities should include:

  1. Thinking through problems,
  2. Data analysis,
  3. Troubleshooting,
  4. Risks analysis,
  5. Design thinking,
  6. Decision mapping & many others.

The challenge is, how do we disrupt our own learning practices to scale employees capacities? How and where do we start?

Topics to cover:

  • Why will digital disruptions change the face of work, now and in the future?
  • What elements are needed when “scaling” workers’ capacities?
  • How do you assess your current learning ecosystems and integrate “scaling” capacities?
  • What are the 7 steps for ”scaling” capacities?
  • How does “scaling” capacities impact learning design, development, delivery and technologies?
  • How do you, as L&D professionals become active contributors in “scaling” of capacities?
  • Three case studies will be shared in the webinar.

Presenter : Ray Jimenez (LinkedIn profile) – Chief Learning Architect and Founder of Vignettes Learning and, a systems development and consulting company specializing in e-Learning and Performance Systems, eLearning course development and interactive tools and social learning community platform.

Ray has over twenty years experience in the consulting and training industry. Author of “3-Minute e-Learning: Rapid Learning and Applications, Amazingly Lower Cost and Faster Speed of Delivery: Plus Online Demos, Templates, Videos“, “Scenario-Based Learning: Using Stories To Engage e-Learners (Scenario-Based Learning, Volume 1)“, and “DIYEL 101 Tips for Do-It-Yourself eLearning“. Ray teaches eLearning programs for the University of California, Irvine, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center and Assumption University, Bangkok.

Workshop and briefing participants describe Ray as fun, engaging, Technically savvy, has depth in e-learning experience, balances theory and hands-on experience  and inspiring. Visit Ray’s website and his blog.

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“Scaling” Workers’ Capacities To Meet Industry Digitalization Demands

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

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