
Live Webinar August 31st, 2021, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  StickyMinds/Techwell

  • “Test as little as possible, but don’t let bugs slip out into production.”
  • “Do not delay the release, but make sure the product is clean.”
  • “You are responsible for the quality of the product, but none of the testers report to you.

These are some of the challenges being presented to testing and quality professionals worldwide, and they are the result of the many changes happening around us, specifically around the adoption of Agile, DevOps and web technologies on a global scale.

As these challenges take hold, we are starting to see the title of QA & Testing Architect being used to describe the person within the organization who is responsible for the overall testing and quality aspects of the product.

This emerging role encompasses the traditional tasks of testing, but it also shifts left into the quality of the requirements or user stories being gathered, and right into the performance of our product while being deployed and while they run in production.

Using the results of PractiTest’s annual The State of Testing™ surveys as well as his experience working with hundreds of testing teams around the world, Joel Montvelisky, Co-Founder and Chief Solution Architect at PractiTest, will explore how the role of the Testing & Quality Architect is being shaped and what it means for testing professionals in today’s teams.

In this interactive webinar you will:

  1. What does a Test & QA Architect do and why is the role gaining popularity within the industry?
  2. What skills and tools does the Test Architect need to have in order to effectively advance their agenda within their company and across the independent development teams?
  3. What skills and tools does the Test Architect need to have in order to effectively advance their agenda within their company and across the independent development teams?
  4. What benefits and business value can be generated by correctly adopting this role within your organization?
  5. How can this evolutionary change positively impact the growth and maturation of test automation within the community?

Presenter: Joel Montvelisky (LinkedIn profile) Co-Founder and Chief Solution Architect PractiTest; has been in testing and QA since 1997. Working as a tester, QA Manager and Director, and a Consultant for companies in Israel, the US and the EU; Joel is a Forbes council member, a blogger with the QA Intelligence Blog, and is constantly imparting webinars on a number of testing and Quality Related topics. Joel is also the founder and Chair of the OnlineTestConf, and the co-founder of the State of Testing survey and report. He is a conference speaker, presenting in various conferences and forums worldwide, among them the STAR Conferences, STPCon, JaSST, TestLeadership Conf, CAST, QA&Test, and more.

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QA & Test Architect:
The Business Value & Challenges Of This Emerging Role

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

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