
Online Webinar– Recorded November 3rd, 2021
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

It’s not as though culture change was easy before the pandemic.

Using training as a lever to move complex human systems into new patterns of behavior was more or less a ninja-level skill even before the whole world went on lockdown.

Then everything changed, again and again (and again!). We went virtual in a sort of all-or-nothing, emergency shutdown way… and then we came back in a sort of catch-as-catch-can, hybridized, random sort of way.

Now we’re trying to get our footing, adding new ways of working to old ways of working in hopes of getting ahead of – or at least, catching up with – a rate of change that seems to be ever-accelerating.

But what about culture?  What of those ever-present patterns of behavior that exert constant influence on how we work, even as they invisibly limit or enhance what we can accomplish?  What can training do about that?

In this interactive webinar, award-winning author, CEO, and repeat Training Magazine presenter Ed Muzio (LinkedIn profile) teams up with Iterative Management Executive Reggie Wilson (LinkedIn profile) to show you how a firm specializing in wholesale culture change adapted training through the pandemic, and what stuck.


  • How systematic, disciplined application of simple behavioral principles becomes culture
  • How anyone, at any level, can create real impact on the broader environment – effecting permanent change gradually and systematically
  • How to seed productive, positive culture yourself, simply by enabling your colleagues and associates to create more output and experience less stress in their own work
  • What approaches the speaker’s firm added, and what they kept, as they went from live to virtual to blended, always with the same goal of changing culture through changing behavior

Enjoy this example of Ed’s famous Whiteboard Videos:


Ed Muzio (LinkedIn profile) CEO of Group Harmonics and author of the award winning books Four Secrets to Liking Your Work and Make Work Great: Super Charge Your Team, Reinvent the Culture, and Gain Influence One Person at a Time & his latest book Iterate: Run a Fast, Flexible, Focused Management Team.  A leader in the application of analytical models to organizational effectiveness, Ed has been featured in international media and servos as an  adviser/educator to executives worldwide. Ed conducts keynotes, professional and leadership education, and executive and management coaching.

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Changing Culture Through Training In A Virtual, Blended World

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

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