Archive for September, 2024


Online Webinar  – Recorded May 20th 2016
Activity Type: Education – Online or Digital Media Up to 1 PDU – Free
Provider: / Gantthead (REP #2488)
Once viewed your PDU Will automatically Be recorded with PMI® / Gantthead premium content
Is available to PMI® members.

In this presentation Frank Dieters (LinkedIn profile) will offer insights in motivation-, leadership- and transition theory, bringing them together in a hands-on approach that taps into the deeper inner values and emotions of all individual team members, rallying them around a common goal or dream.

That dream activates hidden resources within the team and guides the change desired; forming of a high performing team in the process.

Note: You have to sign in to with your PMI® credentials to register for this opportunity. If you are not signed in with your PMI® credentials you will not see the “Register for this webinar” link

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Creating Sustainable Change & A High Performing Team

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Online Webinar– Recorded April 5th, 2016
Presented by:  Human Capital Institute
Webinar Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU

Creating Onboarding Success

According to the Aberdeen Group, 90% of employees decide whether they want to stay at a company within the first six months of employment and as much as 20% of employee turnover happens within the first 45 days of employment.

Onboarding is important, companies know it’s important, but many of us are still failing to implement strong and consistent programs – it’s not for lack of effort, technology or talent.

The real issues blocking onboarding success lie in the blind spots.

Quickly providing value during the onboarding experience can dramatically impact employee commitment, contribution, retention and ultimately, the successful transfer of their knowledge back into the company’s knowledge pool.

During this webcast, our expert panel will share:

  • Personal case studies and nuts-and-bolts examples of common blind spots that can obscure onboarding strategies
  • Where and when to identify blind spots
  • How to create a clear path to onboarding success
  • Techniques and tips to avoid common pitfalls associated with communication, cultural fit, and continuous follow-up
  • How to create long-lasting success by tapping into your existing pool of expert resources and knowledge

Join Stephanie Bertmer, (LinkedIn profile) Onboarding Program Manager at Hulu, Amy Swanson, (LinkedIn profile) former Global Onboarding Implementation and Strategy Lead, CH2MHill and Elizabeth Woodward, (LinkedIn profile) Learning Strategist at CGS Enterprise Learning for a deep dive on onboarding challenges and overwhelming successes.

Note: SHRM has pre-approved this webcast for 1 Professional Development Credits (PDCs)

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New Hire Blind Spots: Exposing The Most Overlooked Barriers To Onboarding Success

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

Online Webinar – Recorded April 27th, 2016
Activity Type: Education – Online or Digital Media 1 PDU – Free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Deloitte’s Global Human Resources Trends indicates that employee engagement (and culture) is the number one challenge facing business leaders. But they sadly claim, that organizations are only ‘somewhat ready’ for this challenge.

Many leaders and CEO’s STILL haven’t embraced engagement as a strategic business initiative!

If your organization is one of them, this could be a costly oversight! 

Why is this the case?  After 5 years of surviving countless organizational layoffs, job eliminations, mergers, reductions in training and development investments, and few promotions and pay increases, your employees are again be in the driver’s seat.

In this high energy and captivating webinar, global engagement thought leader and bestselling author Bob Kelleher will give you practical and specific ideas to help ‘engage’ your leadership team.

Specifically Bob will outline:

  • Key business metrics proving that engagement DRIVES business results
  • Specific ideas to help you ‘get’ the attention of the C Suite that engagement must be a priority
  • How to help leaders create a line of sight describing where the company is going, how you’re going to get there, and what role all of your employees play in helping you get there.
  • How to measure the ROI of your engagement efforts
  • Why training your first line leaders is a necessary first step to engagement
  • How to build a communication ‘promise’ that will build alignment, engagement, and consistency of message
  • How effective performance management drives engagement (because A players want to work with A players)
  • Why building a culture of celebration and recognition drives positive  business results
  • The importance of defining one’s “Why” (according to research by Jim Collins (Good to Great), firms that focus  on Purpose out perform their peer group 6X!

Join Bob and learn how to get the attention of the C-Suite!

Presenter: Bob Kelleher (LinkedIn profile) is the founder of The Employee Engagement Group a best-selling author, thought leader, keynote speaker and consultant, sharing his insights on employee engagement, leadership, and workforce trends. Bob is the author of the best seller, Louder Than Words: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps That Drive Results,  Creativeship: A Novel for Evolving Leaders  and the just released Employee Engagement for Dummies! The Employee Engagement Group recently introduced the world’s first virtual employee engagement resource center, Engage On-Demand, Resource Library.

Click to register for:
How To Engage Your Leadership On Engagement!

0 1.0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Online Webinar – Recorded March 16th, 2017
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: / Gantthead (REP #2488)
Once viewed your PDU Will automatically Be recorded with PMI® / Gantthead premium content
Is available to PMI® members.

The topic of Game Theory is often presented or thought of as being highly complex.

It doesn’t have to be – in fact, there are many basic precepts of Game Theory that can be of particular help to those finding that advancement in their organizations isn’t always based on merit.

In this session Michael Hatfield (LinkedIn profile) will present a step-by-step guide to what Game Theory is, why it’s considered a source of insight, and how it can help you navigate the treacherous waters and inky depths of career advancement.

Webinar participants will finish the presentation with an enhanced knowledge of the tactics and strategies available to them in the game of corporate snakes and ladders, and how to more readily recognize when these strategies and tactics are being used by others.

Note: You have to sign in to with your PMI® credentials to register for this opportunity. If you are not signed in with your PMI® credentials you will not see the “Register for this webinar” link

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Getting Ahead With Practical Game Theory

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Online Webinar – Recorded August 23, 2024
Activity Type:  Education – Online or Digital Media 1 PDU – Free
Provider: Gartner Webinars

In the digital era, the closer the relationship between an enterprise’s business and IT strategies, the more likely it is to achieve its strategic goals.

However, simply having a good plan does not guarantee success. The strategy must be shared, understood and supported widely across the enterprise, and be well executed.

According to a Gartner study, only 47% of organizations accomplish their strategy objectives.

Join this Gartner IT strategy webinar as Tomas Nielsen (LinkedIn profile, Gartner bio) Gartner Senior Director Analyst and Ian Cox (LinkedIn profile, Gartner bio) Gartner Research Director  provide CIOs with a template and examples of a strategy execution charter that will drive execution success.

You will walk away from this session with answers to your vital questions, a copy of the research slides and recommended actions to help you achieve your goals.

Discussion Topics:

  • Create an IT strategy that closely aligns to the business strategy
  • Effectively communicate your IT strategy
  • Establish a continual process to keep strategy and execution on track

Return to the web page to watch both the live and on-demand webinar.

Click to register for:
A Good Plan Is Not Enough: How to Execute Your IT Strategy

0 0 1.0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.

6 Ways For More Engaging Training


Online Webinar – Recorded January 23rd 2024
Activity Type: Education – Online or Digital Media 1 PDU – Free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Do you want to solve your biggest challenges in keeping your training engaging?

Do you want your training to be the most memorable and effective?

Do you want your attendees to say that your session is the most engaging?

In this dynamic and interactive class, “6 Ways for More Engaging Training,” participants will uncover the secrets to transforming standard training sessions into captivating and impactful learning experiences.

This session is designed for trainers, educators, and team leaders who are seeking innovative strategies to elevate their training effectiveness. Through a mix of theoretical insights and practical exercises, attendees will learn how to apply six proven methods to significantly enhance engagement and retention in their training programs.


  • The 6-step ENGAGE method to solve your training challenges
  • Why the first 5 minutes of your training are the most important
  • How to design training to maximize engagement
  • How to improve knowledge retention
  • How to get attendees excited for the next session

Click to register for:
6 Ways For More Engaging Training

0 1.0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.