
Live Webinar – June 9th, 2020 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

One of the biggest myths in the L&D world is that “we must train workers.” Workers are inherently learners. If they are not, we would see massive job failures. In fact, workers are also relentless learners. They fix, solve and improve work issues every minute of their work day.

The challenge however, is that many of our L&D tools and methods are so arcane that we spend lots of money, time and resources on “telling workers what to do” instead of helping them to “learn better while they are doing work.”

Learn to:

  • Differentiate “instruction learning” from “worker’s relentless learning” while in the workflow.
  • Understand how to support workers in the workflow, but not insisting that they follow our instructions.
  • Follow the “workflow learning” methods that are already built into the methods of productive work.
  • Extend your formal learning instructions to commence, merge and intersect with “workflow demands.”
  • Obtain reusable templates on Workflow Learning Design.

Ray’s goal is to support their natural skills and appetite for workflow learning.

Presenter : Ray Jimenez (LinkedIn profile) – Chief Learning Architect and Founder of Vignettes Learning and, a systems development and consulting company specializing in e-Learning and Performance Systems, eLearning course development and interactive tools and social learning community platform.

Ray has over twenty years experience in the consulting and training industry. Author of “3-Minute e-Learning: Rapid Learning and Applications, Amazingly Lower Cost and Faster Speed of Delivery: Plus Online Demos, Templates, Videos“, “Scenario-Based Learning: Using Stories To Engage e-Learners (Scenario-Based Learning, Volume 1)“, and “DIYEL 101 Tips for Do-It-Yourself eLearning“. Ray teaches eLearning programs for the University of California, Irvine, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center and Assumption University, Bangkok.

Workshop and briefing participants describe Ray as fun, engaging, Technically savvy, has depth in e-learning experience, balances theory and hands-on experience  and inspiring. Visit Ray’s website and his blog.

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Developing Relentless Learners In The Workflow

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

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