Archive for the ‘ Self Directed Learning (SDL Cat C) ’ Category


Article / Exercise : Stakeholder Management
Five Page Article with Exercise By: Susanne Madsen
Category C PDU 0.5 (article) to 2 (follow exercise with your project)

“In order for you and your project to be successful, you need the support of as many of your stakeholders as possible. You need their buy-in to effectively progress the project.” – @Susanne Madsen

Susanne provides a four step to exercise to help you uncover “who your stakeholders are, how influential and supportive they each are and what you can do to optimize the way you interact with them”

Category C Learning Primer for this activity: Choose a project you are working on and go through this exercise to create a strong and trustworthy relationship with all of your key stakeholders.

Process Groups: Initiating & Executing

Knowledge Areas: 10 – Communication ( PMBOK Reference)

  • 10.1 Identify Stakeholders
  • 10.2 Plan Communications
  • 10.4 Manage Stakeholders Expectations

Presenter: Susanne Madsen (LinkedIn) is a sought after project manager, mentor and coach with over 15 years experience in managing and rolling out large change management programs. A PRINCE2 practitioner and a qualified corporate & executive coach, she works as a Program Director for one of the world’s largest financial institutions.

Susanne is dedicated to helping organizations deliver better change management programs and is passionate about coaching and mentoring project managers to improve their leadership capabilities, performance and well being.

Here at we are looking forward to Susanne’s newest venture. We love Susanne’s writing/mentoring style and we know others will too. She is currently writing a practical workbook filled with tips, tools and techniques for everyone who wants to coach themselves and others to become highly valued and truly successful project managers and leaders. Way to go Susanne! – EdmontonPM

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click here to access the Stakeholder Management article /exercise.

Great Articles! Click here to go to Susanne Madsen’s site


In this article we will walk through the process of creating a Personal Self Directed Learning ( SDL PDU ) Plan.

Under PMI’s® new guidelines the limit on Category C SDL PDUs has increased to a maximum of 30 PDUs in a 3 Year Cycle (half of the 60 needed for recertification). One hour of Self Directed Learning is worth 1 PDU.

How Can A Mind Map Be Used As A PRIMER for Self Directed Learning?

To learn more about Mind Maps click here to find out what a Mind Map is and how they can be useful.

Mind maps are an excellent tool to assist you in earning Category C PDUs for any topic. This example uses Mind Maps to create a straw model (example) of a PDU Learning Primer© to explore leadership qualities.

In order to plan and record self directed learning with PMI® as a PDU opportunity you need to review these 3 questions:

  • What am I going to learn…..? With PMI® it is necessary to have a topic that relates to Project Management.
    • Choose your topic – Phrase it as a Smart Goal
    • What Knowledge Areas or KPAs in the PMBOK® does the topic refer to?
    • Are there specific sections of the PMBOK® that the topic references?
    • An excellent cross reference tool is the Project Management Matrix (click here) by This is a great tool and is available as an app on many different mobile platforms.
    • This information will be needed to record the information in CCRS.
  • How am I going to learn about…? In this case the question represents what resources and methods will be used to learn about this topic.
    • Find terrific resources to explore!
    • For PMI® subject matter resources and experts should be documented in your PMI® audit folder (every PMP should have one). Document the information and its location used to explore the subject.
    • NOW LEARN!
    • Keep track of your time
  • How am I going to demonstrate my learning about …….?
    • Can you talk more intelligently about the subject….great …. but ensure that for your audit folder you have something a bit more substantial.
    • Write down a few sentences that has relevance to the learning or answer some questions that you discovered in the learning process.
    • Focus comments on how the learning relates to a project you have done or about how you might have try a different technique to get better results. In other words relate this learning to your practice!

LETS BEGIN! – Leadership Qualities

Lets learn about 8 qualities of leadership. Human Resources and soft skills are a very important part of project management.

Create a Smart Goal Writing a Smart Goal – Here is our example.

Specific I will be able to define the 8 Leadership Qualities
Measurable Given the mind map of the 8 Leadership Qualities
Attainable Using resources from and other Internet resources
Relevant And develop 2 actions I can take with my direct reports to enhance my leadership
Time-based Within one month of starting my Self Directed Learning Leadership Primer©.

Lets look at a “Leadership Qualities Mind Map” on ILLUMINES site

& Eight Leadership Qualities.

A leadership map can serve as a tool for exploring the Qualities of Leadership by providing a structure for exploring the vast wealth of Leadership material on the Internet.

For each of the Leadership Qualities, to help you start your personal Leadership PDU Primer© I will suggest a few resources from and elsewhere.

Use our resources or choose your own.

Finishing Up ….

Don’t Forget to document how you met your Smart Goal for your PMI® Audit Folder.

This Learning Plan Qualifies for up to

19 Category C PDUs and 3 Category A PDUs.

Please leave comments on this article to share information with others on the resources and information you discovered and found useful when you explored this subject. Thank You.


Live Webinar – April 12, 11:00 AM EST
Offered by: Roeder Consulting ( REP 2453) 1 Category A PDU
This is a 1 hour seminar and attendees will be awarded 1 PDU for participating.

Successful project leaders need more than great technical skills. They need to have A Sixth Sense for Project Management ® – the “interpersonal/people skills” that help you successfully navigate through your initiatives.

There is a science to people skills.

In this one hour presentation, Tres Roeder will help you shed light on managing the human side of change. From this unique, interactive webinar, you will:

  • Gain take-away skills that can be applied immediately towards your project success
  • Hear the latest insights from new research on human behavior and how this impacts you
  • Learn what you can do today for better project results

Seating for this opportunity is limited and may reach capacity.

Click here to register for this opportunity.

A Sixth Sense For Project Management® – Book

In this book, Tres Roeder lays out a system to help Project Managers succeed not only in their projects, but in any interpersonal relationship that requires a change in behavior. Tres lays out how his successful methods using a balanced approach of technical project management skills, business acumen and sixth sense people skills.

This book is 148 pages. Reading this book would qualify for up to 6 Category C Self Directed Learning PDUs (formerly Category 2 SDL PDUs).

The NEW Category C increases the limit of PDUs allowed in a recertification cycle to 30 from the previous level of 15. Category C PDUs are an excellent way to Increase your Knowledge and Skills as a PM in your time frame.

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’
Click here to purchase A Sixth Sense for Project Management from (USA site)

Click here to purchase A Sixth Sense for Project Management from (Canadian)


Fecha: Mié Abril 06
Hora: 12:00 AM (CST)
Presentado por: Software Guru
Conferencista: Jordi Cabot
Precio: Gratuito
Duración: 60 minutos
Idioma: Español
PDUs: 1
Categoría de PDUs: C

Acerca del evento: Las falsas promesas alrededor de UML y la generación automática de código (básicamente puras estrategias de marketing para vender herramientas/cursos/…) han hecho que ahora mismo muchos desarrolladores huyan despavoridos en cuanto se les nombra la posibilidad de modelar algo como parte de su proceso de desarrollo.

Pero como veremos en la charla, las cosas han cambiado mucho: con nuevas herramientas (ej. EMF y todo su entorno de tecnologías de modelado open source para la plataforma Eclipse), nuevas técnicas (ej. el uso de lenguajes específicos de dominio) y un enfoque más pragmático (modelar cuándo y cómo haga falta) el desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos puede realmente cambiar vuestra manera de desarrollar software.

Como una ‘Actividad de aprendizaje autodirigido’ (‘Self Directed Learning Activity’) recuerde documentar su experiencia de aprendizaje y su relación con la gestión de proyectos para su ‘Carpeta de Seguimiento de Auditoría de PDUs’ (‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’).

Clic aquí para registrarse en este webinar


Fecha: Mié Abril 06
Hora: 01:00 PM (CST)
Presentado por: Extend Solutions
Conferencista: David Aguilar
Precio: Gratuito
Duración: 60 minutos
Idioma: Español
PDUs: 1
Categoría de PDUs: C

Acerca del evento: En esta sesión se mostrará cómo realizar y administrar pruebas de software apoyándose en herramientas de Microsoft.

Temas a incluir:

  • Planeación de pruebas con Microsoft Test Manager.
  • Ejecución de pruebas en Visual Studio 2010 con Microsoft Test Manager.
  • Seguimiento a bugs con Microsoft Test Manager.

Como una ‘Actividad de aprendizaje autodirigido’ (‘Self Directed Learning Activity’) recuerde documentar su experiencia de aprendizaje y su relación con la gestión de proyectos para su ‘Carpeta de Seguimiento de Auditoría de PDUs’ (‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’).

Clic aquí para registrarse en este webinar


Fecha: Mié Abril 06
Hora: 02:00 PM (CST)
Presentado por: Software Guru
Conferencista: Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Precio: Gratuito
Duración: 60 minutos
Idioma: Español
PDUs: 1
Categoría de PDUs: C

Acerca del evento: Muchas personas por miedo a cometer errores nunca se arriesgan a usar una nueva tecnología, o incluso siendo los expertos en el sistema que construyeron nunca llegan a hacer propuestas que lleven a cambios drásticos por el miedo a fallar.

En esta sesión exploraremos aún más este importante enfoque, explorando las alternativas que tenemos como creadores de software para sacarle el máximo provecho a nuestros errores, fracasos y demás duras lecciones aprendidas, en búsqueda no de una perfección académica sino de una perfección labrada golpe tras golpe con la sabiduría que solo el trabajo de campo puede entregar.

Biografía: Gerente General Digital Cube S.A.S., Arquitecto de software y consultor en sistemas de información. Ingeniero de sistemas de la universidad Católica de Colombia graduado con mención meritoria. Por su experiencia, nivel de conocimientos técnicos y aporte a la comunidad de desarrolladores en Colombia ha sido galardonado durante 2 años consecutivos como Microsoft MVP Visual C#.”

Como una ‘Actividad de aprendizaje autodirigido’ (‘Self Directed Learning Activity’) recuerde documentar su experiencia de aprendizaje y su relación con la gestión de proyectos para su ‘Carpeta de Seguimiento de Auditoría de PDUs’ (‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’).

Clic aquí para registrarse en este webinar