
Online Webinar – Recorded January 9th 2015
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU

Kanban systems have emerged as a fantastic and easy-to-use agile tool for tracking and managing workflow.

But something interesting is happening – even as application teams have embraced Kanban systems as part of going agile, on the other side of the IT department operations managers and system administrators have begun using Kanban as a DevOps tool.

Originally developed as a management tool for manufacturing, the analogy of using factory workflow to create products efficiently is proving full of lessons for all layers of IT – from projects and applications to deployment and ongoing operations.

Bryon will discuss the different areas of the development and delivery life cycle in which Kanban can be leveraged.

On the operational/production side, Bryon will help you understand how to level out workflow, reduce operational Work in Progress (WIP), and use kanbans to track, visualize, and optimize flow of work.

On the application side, he will discuss how an agile shop uses Kanban to help prioritize, estimate, and keep track of features, as well as of the build in general.

Presenter: Bryon Brewer (LinkedIn profile)

Click to register for Kanban For Applications: Kanban For Operations


Live Webinar – June 3rd, 2015 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm  EDT
Offered by IAG Consulting (REP 2858)
Duration 1 hour 1 PDU or  1 CDU 1 Category A – Free PDU

Business architecture is a strategic differentiator. However there are practical applications of tools and techniques that will support and link business strategy to the tactical outcomes.

By applying models and standards the business analyst and the project managers benefit from the alignment, clarity and re-usability of the business architecture.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain why bother doing business architecture
  2. Describe business architecture as a complementary and supporting methodology to analysis deliverables
  3. Demonstrate some cool tools PMs and business analyst could use
  4. Show you how to be a hero to your business, developers, testers and customer
  5. Provide a description of value Participants will acquire a functional knowledge of business architecture. The adoption of business architecture tools and techniques will support the management of requirements & risk by establishing clearer scope.

Click to register for Top 10 Things About Business Architecture


Live Webinar – May 28th, 2015 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Presented by: Decision Management Solutions

Advanced Analytics is not just for data scientists anymore.

Many businesses adopt their analytics by degree of complexity, limiting business professionals to reporting and dashboard views of their business.

But recent research has found that with modern tools and techniques it is of much higher value to adopt the analytic capability needed where needed, enabling business professionals access to the business insights of advanced analytics answering “Why?” and “What Next?” questions, not just “What Happened?”

In this live event, James Taylor, CEO of Decision Management Solutions and Dan Melcher, Internet Application Architect at OpenText Analytics, will present findings from Decision Management Solutions’ recent research, “The Analytic Capability Landscape”, outlining a new approach to analytic adoption: Decision-led, Role-centric and Style-base.

Together these combine to successfully shift the analytic focus from reporting and monitoring to decision making, and providing these important competitive insights to business professionals across the organization.


Dan Melcher (LinkedIn profile) has over 23 years of experience in the software industry in various roles. Dan joined Actuate in October 1999 and has been responsible for providing technical assistance, technical certifications and architecting applications.

James Taylor (LinkedIn profile) is the CEO of Decision Management Solutions, and is the leading expert in how to use business rules and analytic technology to build Decision Management Systems. If you are looking for information on decision Management Systems Sign up for his newsletter – Decision Management News. Read his blog: JT on EDM; or Follow him on Twitter: jamet123. James is passionate about using Decision Management Systems to help companies improve decision-making and develop an agile, analytic, and adaptive business. He has more than 20 years working with clients in all sectors to identify their highest-value opportunities for advanced analytics, enabling them to reduce fraud, continually manage and assess risk, and maximize customer value with increased flexibility and speed.

For more great information read James’ books Decision Management Systems: A Practical Guide to Using Business Rules and Predictive Analytics and Why You Need Smart Enough Systems.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Planning Executing
Knowledge Areas: 5 – Scope 6 – Time 10 – Communications

  • 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
  • 5.2 Collect Requirements
  • 5.3 Define Scope
  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 10.2 Manage Communications

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Advanced Analytics For The Business Professional



Live Webinar – May 26th 2015, 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU

Note: Although ASPE is an REP presentations may have to be recorded as a Cat C PDU Event – Contact Traci Lester Marketing Specialist at ASPE for more information

The Project Management Institute has created its own certification for Business Analysis – the PMI-PBA (Professional Business Analyst).

But unlike the IIBA’s CBAP certification, there is no Body of Knowledge to use as a reference. Instead, PMI provided a list of 11 text books from which the test would be developed.

  • So how was the test different from the CBAP?
  • Is it something you can actually study for?
  • What was learned from taking the test, and actually passing it!

This seminar provides an overview of the application process and tidbits about what the test was like. If I can pass it, you can too.

Presenter: Rob Snowden (LinkedIn profile, bio)  has over 25 years’ experience as a Business Analyst, PM, and JAD Facilitator at a variety of organizations both as an employee and contractor.  Working to better organizations like Supreme Court of Virginia, Coopers and Lybrand (now Price Waterhouse Coopers), Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Capital One, Barclays, and many others, Rob has been teaching BA courses. Rob has written blogs, white papers, and presented webinars on topics such as facilitation, virtual team techniques, building a BA plan quickly, the BA role in Agile, and Use Cases in Scrum. He also speaks at numerous various IIBA local chapters and presents at conferences.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:

Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 9 – Human Resources

  • 9.1 Plan Human Resource Management
  • 9.2 Acquire Project Team
  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Manage Project Team

As a Category C “Self Directed Learning Activity” remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your “PDU Audit Trail Folder”

Click to register for What Is The PMI-PBA Rest Really Like? Find Out From Someone Who Passed It!


Live Webinar – May 27th, 2015 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Presented by: Decision Management Solutions

Successful predictive analytic projects follow a well defined approach from requirements to modeling, implementation and deployment, embedding the analytic results in operational systems that improve business performance.

In this live event, James Taylor, CEO and Principal Consultant at Decision Management Solutions and Matt Kitching, (LinkedIn profile) Senior Data Scientist at Apption, an award winning analytics consulting company, will discuss the business value of predictive analytics and show how decision modeling adds value throughout Apption’s big data analytics workflow.

Using a recent Apption Customer Retention Analytics engagement, James and Matt will walk through the workflow and show the value of predictive analytics and decision modeling in each step:

  • Big Data Analytics allows you to use all your data to make key business decisions.
  •  Decision modeling aligns analytics requirements with key business measures, creating a shared understanding across stakeholders while providing structure and transparency and so promoting buy-in.
  •  Decision modeling focuses data scientists on the most relevant data, streamlining data preparation and exploration.
  •  Predictive Analytics provide you with actionable insights that help you solve existing problems or head them off.
  • Decision modeling provides a framework to evaluate and refine predictive models to ensure they will have a business impact.
  •  Finally decision modeling ensures that predictive analytic models can and will be successfully deployed.

Predictive analytics are increasingly a must-have competitive tool. A well defined workflow and effective decision modeling approach ensures that the right predictive analytic models get built and deployed.

Presenter:  James Taylor (LinkedIn profile) is the CEO of Decision Management Solutions, and is the leading expert in how to use business rules and analytic technology to build Decision Management Systems. If you are looking for information on decision Management Systems Sign up for his newsletter – Decision Management News. Read his blog: JT on EDM; or Follow him on Twitter: jamet123. James is passionate about using Decision Management Systems to help companies improve decision-making and develop an agile, analytic, and adaptive business. He has more than 20 years working with clients in all sectors to identify their highest-value opportunities for advanced analytics, enabling them to reduce fraud, continually manage and assess risk, and maximize customer value with increased flexibility and speed.

For more great information read James’ books Decision Management Systems: A Practical Guide to Using Business Rules and Predictive Analytics and Why You Need Smart Enough Systems.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Planning Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 5 – Scope

  • 4.1 Develop Project Charter
  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 5.2 Collect Requirements
  • 5.3 Define Scope

As a Category C, ‘Self Directed Learning’, activity remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder.’

Click to register for The Value Of Predictive Analytics & How Using Decision Modeling Helps You Succeed


Online Webinar – Recorded August 5th, 2014
By: BATimes (Diversified Business Communications REP 1811)
Duration 1 Hour 1 Cat A PDU/CDUs – Free  PDU / CDU

Keeping up in today’s fast-paced world requires a robust skillset!

Not only are project managers expected to manage a colossal amount of projects, they’re expected to direct resources to properly plan for those projects. Often times, those two sides of the business don’t align very well.

Join AtTaskUnlike Before and Project Times as they explore three ways you can align people and process for a more productive team.

Get insights from specialists in the PPM field that can help you take your skillset from project manager to project leader.

Key topics of discussion:

  • What small tweaks can I make to increase my team’s productivity and my own productivity?
  • What is the difference between project management and project leadership?
  • How can I coordinate efforts between teams and departments to increase productivity?
  • How can I measure my progress on the road to higher productivity?
  • What types of tools can I use to align management of resources with management of projects?

With the Course You Will Receive:

  • Access to the Live and Recorded Version of Webinar
  • Personalized Certificate of Attendance
  • Copy of Presentation Slides


Deanne Earle PMP (LinkedIn profile  @UnlikeBefore ) Director of Unlike Before LTD. – is a sought after keynote speaker and  International Project Consultant specializing in delivering business technology projects. A founding member of The Glass Breakers global women’s network, a published author, and expert in the areas of project delivery, management, change and leadership, Deanne challenges the DNA of a company’s leadership where necessary to achieve greater business value from technology projects.

Make sure to check out Deanne’s Change Through Action Blog.

Michael Luciano MSc (IT) – (LinkedIn profile) Director of Quality Assurance, AtTask  Michael currently holds the position of Director of Quality Assurance at AtTask and regularly  speaks on the current state of the QA industry . Michael has over twenty years experience in the field of quality assurance, having built high performance global teams for such companies as Xerox, EDS, HP, Thomson Reuters and, currently,

Click to register for 3 Ways to Increase Your Team’s Productivity: Aligning People & Process