
Live Webinar February 9th, 2023 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  Computer Aid Inc (CAI) The Great IT Professional
(Rep 2733) (Rebranded From ITMPI)

We are in an era where good requirements, known environments, and everyone is on our network are things of myth and legend.

Today’s software isn’t a modernized version of past implementations. Change isn’t some abstract thing in the future its now, every day, every minute.

In this session Stephen Cohen (LinkedIn profile) will establish a new baseline for acceptable software.

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Creating Reliable Software In A World Where Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, & Ambiguity (Vuca) Is The New Normal

1.0 0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.

Project Governance


Live Webinar December 13th, 2022 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  Computer Aid Inc (CAI) The Great IT Professional
(Rep 2733) (Rebranded From ITMPI)

In rhis webinar Alfonso Bucero will describe how to keep projects running smoothly, on budget, with timely deliveries and client satisfaction.

To do this consistently, there needs to be an overall framework that oversees the project. This is what we call project governance. Some best practices about project governance implementation will be shared.

Presenter: Alfonso Bucero, (LinkedIn profile) MSc, PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI Fellow, Region 8th South-West Component Mentor

Some of Alfonso’s published works include:

Click to register for:
Project Governance

0 0 1.0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar December 7th, 2022 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  Computer Aid Inc (CAI) The Great IT Professional
(Rep 2733) (Rebranded From ITMPI)

In this industry presentation, Christof shows the benefits of independent verification and validation for cybersecurity.

Based on his experiences at Vector he demonstrates with enhanced Grey-Box Penetration Test (GBPT) how to reduce test effort while being more effective in terms of coverage and indicating less false positives.

Presenter:  Dr. Christof Ebert (LinkedIn profile) Managing Director, Vector Consulting Service; is a renowned IT author and trusted adviser for companies around the world, member of industry boards, and professor at the University of Stuttgart. Dr. Ebert received the IEEE distinguished visitor award and is a member of the Alcatel Technical Academy.

Some of Dr. Ebert’s include:

Click to register for:
Independent Verification & Validation For Cybersecurity

1.0 0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.

Seven Signs Your IV&V Has Gone Native


Live Webinar December 6th, 2022 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  Computer Aid Inc (CAI) The Great IT Professional
(Rep 2733) (Rebranded From ITMPI)

IV&V Independent Verification & Validation

Participants in this session will:

  1. Be oriented to the role of IV&V and its potential benefits;
  2. Understand the risks of an IV&V vendor “going native” and over-identifying with the system vendor;
  3. Become familiar with seven signs that suggest there is a danger that your IV&V Vendor is losing their objectivity; and
  4. Learn possible corrective actions to remedy the problem before it gets out of hand.

Presenter: Payson Hall, PMP® (LinkedIn profile) Consulting PM Catalysis Group, Inc. formally trained as a software engineer, and co-author of Improving Executive Sponsorship of Projects: A Holistic Approach Payson’s early career included commercial software development & system integration. His role shifted to include increasing PM responsibilities, and he  has performed and consulted on a variety of projects in both the public and private sectors throughout North America and Europe during his 35+ years professional career. Payson  coaches PMs & sponsors, teaches project management skills, consults and performs project reviews.  Payson has published over 100 project management articles, numerous project management and problem-solving classes,, and is sought after as a speaker who specializes in demystifying project management topics and communicating important ideas while entertaining audiences.

Click to register for:
Seven Signs Your IV&V Has Gone Native

1.0 0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.

Value Analysis


Live Webinar November 30th, 2022 11:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  Computer Aid Inc (CAI) The Great IT Professional
(Rep 2733) (Rebranded From ITMPI)

In this webinar Sam Drauschak (LinkedIn profile)  will look at the benefits and costs of IV&V as well as the various dimensions to consider when calculating ROI for the effort.

Sam will look at the factors to consider when deciding when, how, and why to engage in IV&V activities along with the value the organization expects to get from its efforts.

Click to register for:
Value Analysis

0.5 0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar November 8th, 2022 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  Computer Aid Inc (CAI) The Great IT Professional
(Rep 2733) (Rebranded From ITMPI)

In this session Carol outlines a streamlined and professional approach to software cost estimation together with an estimation maturity model for companies who want to improve their software cost estimating success and ultimately develop better software.

Presenter: Carol Dekkers PMP P.Eng. CMC (LinkedIn profile @caroldekkers) Intl Expert/CEO Quality Plus Tech/Pres.Emeritus, IFPUG Board/Freelance Mgmt Consultant/Agile Certified/Speakerand Author of The IT Measurement Compendium is a Project Manager, Management Consultant  and a Professional Engineer who bridges the gap between technology experts (engineers, scientists, computer specialists, etc) and the non-technical personel. Carol is a highly sought after international expert whose keynote presentations are engaged by international project management and quality conferences throughout the world. Carol effectively demonstrates how to use communication effectively to bring the true value of technology to life through articulate presentations, effective collaboration, and team processes that increase the success of high tech projects.

Click to register for:
IT Cost Estimation Jeopardy:
The Management Game That’s Behind The Times

1.0 0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.