
Live Webinar – March 14th, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Zoom… it’s so 2020. Or is it? Collectively, we’ve certainly become better at it, but do we have the multifaceted communication skills we need to lead a virtual meeting?
When it comes to commanding the room, many trainers have presence, polish, and passion.
When they talk, trainees listen. They move, they connect, they exude charisma. However, when Zoom arrived on the scene with a capital Z and technology leveled the playing field, things changed.

Any talking head can light up a square, but compared to stand-up training, commanding a Zoom is an even greater challenge. A total of 300 million people a day are Zoomed out; monotony and lethargy creep in easily.

This session is about displaying presence, polish, and passion virtually in four categories that work together to create communication leadership acumen: visuals, sounds, slides, and body language.

Session Goals:

  1. Understanding the microelements of virtual leadership
  2. Analyzing the communication styles of virtual leaders
  3. Creating your own plan for virtual communication effectiveness

Presenter:  Dr. Constance Staley (LinkedIn profile) Professor of Communication, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs & is a sought-after conference keynoter and a highly popular trainer. She holds a B.S. in education, an M.A. in linguistics, and a Ph.D. in communication.  Connie was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to teach in the republic of Kyrgyzstan in the former Soviet Union; has won the University of Colorado Outstanding Teacher Award; and was twice nominated for a CASE U.S. Professor of the Year Award.  Connie has published 20 books/editions and recently served as Special Assistant to the Chancellor, leading a university initiative to design a next-generation campus Career Center for students. Connie currently teaches university courses in Communication, Training, and Consulting; Professional Public Speaking Online; and Conflict Management.

Click to register for:
Commanding A Zoom: Communication Expertise For Virtual Leadership

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Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – March 9th, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

If you are responsible for delivering successful hybrid training events, you know it’s not as easy it looks. Of course, you could just video a live event for later playback and call it a day, but you want to reach both your in-person and your virtual audiences in real-time and allow engagement for everyone.

Join Cynthia Clay, (LinkedIn profile) author of Great Webinars: How to Create Interactive Learning That Is Captivating, Informative, and Fun to explore the best and the worst of hybrid events. Commit to delivering the best for both audiences by offering training that is engaging, inclusive, and interactive for all involved!

By the end of this 60-minute webinar, you will be able to:

  • Avoid five mistakes that block successful hybrid events
  • Ensure that both virtual and in-person audiences are engaged and included

Presenter: Cynthia Clay (LinkedIn profile) President/CEO of NetSpeed Learning Solutions & the author of Great Webinars: How to Create Interactive Learning That Is Captivating, Informative, and Fun helps people increase their effectiveness in virtual environments.  Cynthia provides instructor-led virtual programs that help employees and leaders communicate effectively, resolve conflict, serve customers well, and lead effectively in the virtual workplace. She  also works with clients who are transitioning from the face-to-face classroom to interactive, blended virtual learning. Cynthia is a passionate advocate of brain-based learning and works with training professionals to apply stellar practices in the virtual classroom.

Click to register for:
5 Mistakes That Sink Hybrid Training Events

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Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – March 8th, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

If you’re using PowerPoint all the time, then you need add-ins in your life to make things quicker, easier, and better. And if you’re not using PowerPoint all the time, you’ll want to.

In this session, see what add-ins can do to completely change how PowerPoint works, from quick one hit wonders (that are seriously wonderful), to fully fledged toolsets that provide a plethora of tools to boost your productivity and make you leap for joy, up to add-ins that provide brand new capabilities for PowerPoint and make it do far more than you could before.

For Another Great PDU With Richard Goring Check Out:
Become A PowerPoint Jedi
With The Force Of Templates & Masters

Presenter:  Richard Goring (LinkedIn profile) Director at BrightCarbon, (a specialist presentation agency). has helped to write and create thousands of presentations, and coached hundreds of teams to present more effectively using visuals, diagrams, and animated sequences that explain and reinforce the key points. Richard is passionate about improving the way that people present and believes that anyone can deliver a great presentation if given the right techniques and a bit of practice.

Click to register for:
PowerPoint Turned Up To 11 With Add-Ins

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Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – March 7th, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Only 25% of executives believe that training measurably improves business performance. And with nearly half of all employees worldwide in need of upskilling or reskilling by 2025—it’s clear the way we evaluate and train no longer aligns with the realities of the business world.

To succeed in this new world of work, L&D professionals need an effective and scalable way to train the right people on the right skills in the right way.

Learn how leading companies around the globe are using inbox simulations—a virtual job simulation technology—to:

  • Build a data-driven learning strategy
  • Develop transformative training programs
  • Scale soft skills development

Join Matthew Shell (LinkedIn profile) for this helpful webinar.

Click to register for:
How To Find & Fix The Skills Gaps That Matter Most (at Scale)

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Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.

Making Metaverse Learning A Reality


Live Webinar – March 2nd, 2023 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Join an All-star panel of visionaries as they explore current and emerging trends in Metaverse Learning:

  • Professor Karl Kapp, (LinkedIn profile) Ed.D., CFPIM, CIRM Director of the Institute for Interactive Technologies at Bloomsburg University
  • Professor Tony O’Driscoll (LinkedIn profile), Research Fellow and Academic Director at Duke University
  • Professor David Metcalf, (LinkedIn profile) director of the Mixed Emerging Technology Integration Lab at the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Simulation and Training
  • Moderated by Dr. Anders Gronstedt, Ph.D. (LinkedIn profile), President of the Gronstedt Group
    • Improves performance with innovative learning approaches, including next-generation digital simulations, gaming, transmedia storytelling,  immersive 3D virtual worlds, and virtual and augmented reality.
    • Anders is a former faculty member of the CU Boulder School of Journalism and his articles have appeared in the Harvard Business Review.

The metaverse promises to usher in a new era of experiential and visceral learning where people are upskilling in pixelated practice spaces that mirror their real-life workplaces.

This panel of industry luminaries will guide you through the implications for your organization. Professors Karl Kapp and Tony O’Driscoll wrote the definitive book on “Learning in 3D” — 14 years ago. Dr. David Metcalf established The Mixed Emerging Technology Integration Lab at UCF’s Institute for Simulation and Training three years earlier.

They’ve been thought and practice leaders in the field ever since, with over ten books to their credits. Most recently, Dr. Kapp published a LinkedIn Learning Course on “Designing Learning Experiences in the Metaverse”; Dr. O’Driscoll penned a graphic novel about “Everyday Superhero: How You Can Inspire Everyone And Create Real Change At Work”; and Dr. Metcalf co-authored multiple books about the impact of blockchain.

Training Magazine Network’s inaugural “Learning from the Leading Edge” panel discussion is moderated by Dr. Anders Gronstedt, President of Gronstedt Group, an industry-leading VR developer. The quarterly sessions will bring thought and practice leaders together for a conversation about the future of learning.

Bring your questions as They explore how the barriers between the physical and digital worlds are blurring with immersive and collaborative learning.

The expert panel will inspire insights as you consider integrating metaverse learning to reduce training costs, improve job performance, and boost engagement in your organization.

Click to register for:
Making Metaverse Learning A Reality

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Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – March 1st, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

As learning designers, trainers, teachers, or facilitators, we want our content to stick with participants.

Retention has always been a goal and we know that actively engaging with course material is key, but how do we incorporate evidence-based strategies to make learning stick?

Retrieval practice is one of the most well-researched learning strategies, but for an individual learner outside of a course it feels like hard, uncomfortable work with delayed results. That’s why learners resort to ineffective self-study practices such as highlighting material, or rereading their notes.

Building retrieval practice strategies into our courses is easy. Sheila will share more than a dozen ways to create low-stakes opportunities for retrieval practice into your courses that will result in high reward for participants.

Presenter: Sheila B. Robinson, Ed.D., (LinkedIn profileCustom Professional Learning, LLC, is a speaker, educator, and consultant with a passion for the science of teaching and learning, presentations, and asking questions. Through her talks, professional development workshops and university courses, Sheila teaches people how to make the most of professional learning and how to ask good questions, along with program evaluation, survey design, data visualization, audience engagement, and presentation design.  Sheila is also a Certified Presentation Specialist (CPS)™, Director of Education, Training and Advocacy at the Presentation Guild, and Senior Design and Facilitation Consultant with Evergreen

Click to register for:
12+ Retrieval Practice Strategies For Instructors & Trainers

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Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.