Live Webinar – December 2nd, 2020 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training 1 Hour 1 PDU
Provider: SD Times (Software Development Times)
AppSec Is Dead. Long Live DevSecOps
Application security traditionally happened after development was finished, something to be bolted on for protection. In traditional top down implementations, developers weren’t a part of security and didn’t give it much consideration beyond some testing.
Today, security is top of mind in most organizations, which have come to realize that application security starts with the application, at the code level. But developers haven’t been trained in using security tools, and reluctantly do it because it has been mandated from management.
So, how do you get developers involved with security?
One way is by making security tools more developer-centric, so those software engineers can make a change in their pipeline and simultaneously ensure that change doesn’t open a vulnerability.
Join , Juan Mazo (LinkedIn profile) Solution Architect, Veracode and Chris Campbell (LinkedIn profile) Sr. Principal Solution Architect, Veracode for a lively, discussion of the importance of the role developers can and must play in securing applications, and how to get them to go along for the ride.
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How To Get Developers Hooked On Security
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