
Live Webinar – December 2nd, 2020 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider: SD Times (Software Development Times)

AppSec Is Dead. Long Live DevSecOps

Application security traditionally happened after development was finished, something to be bolted on for protection.  In traditional top down implementations, developers weren’t a part of security and didn’t give it much consideration beyond some testing.

Today, security is top of mind in most organizations, which have come to realize that application security starts with the application, at the code level. But developers haven’t been trained in using security tools, and reluctantly do it because it has been mandated from management.

So, how do you get developers involved with security?

One way is by making security tools more developer-centric, so those software engineers can make a change in their pipeline and simultaneously ensure that change doesn’t open a vulnerability.

Join , Juan Mazo (LinkedIn profile) Solution Architect, Veracode and Chris Campbell (LinkedIn profile) Sr. Principal Solution Architect, Veracode for a lively, discussion of the importance of the role developers can and must play in securing applications, and how to get them to go along for the ride.

Click to register for:
How To Get Developers Hooked On Security

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – October 7th, 2020 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider: SD Times (Software Development Times)

The pace of innovation is accelerating. Yet continuous WFH diminishes software teams’ output. What can you do to increase individual – and team – performance, without burning out?

Join guest speaker Nils Vesk (LinkedIn profile) and Devtech Group for a live session that unpacks the 14 most common mistakes affecting your team’s performance. Nils will also explain how to flip these mistakes into principles that will deliver innovative, cohesive teams for years to come.

Nils works around the world with innovative teams just like yours. His clients include IBM, Microsoft, HP, Canon, Fuji Xero, and Gartner. Devtech Group provide custom software development for ISVs like Mimecast, Acronis, and Appriver.

Some of the mistakes Nils will discuss include:

  • Thinking that to create behavior change you need to change motivation first
  • Insufficiently distinguishing between people vs. process issues
  • Measuring outcomes, but not measuring behaviors or having process goals
  • Failing to use stories to drive behavioral change
  • Allowing assumptions to take over from fact – in team dynamics, execution, and problem-solving

Go from feeling overworked and overwhelmed to feeling confident and strategic. Experience an increase team capacity without being a taskmaster.

Click to register for:
Remote Working Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Developers’ Innovative Output & Performance

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – September 10th, 2020 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider: SD Times (Software Development Times)

A big one, as it turns out. Organizations aren’t looking at security as just being perimeter protection anymore. The applications themselves need to be built from the ground up with protections that ensure data integrity and prevent compromise.

Security departments used to have the primary responsibility to ensure these goals, but as the pace of development has increased, organizations have shifted security left, making it difficult for security to scale.

This has caused a necessary shift of some of this responsibility to developers, but they are also under pressure to deliver features, and are not always well equipped to make appropriate AppSec decisions.

Since security responsibilities are being put on them, developers should embrace an active role in the process, and should have a voice setting the critical requirements for security solutions. They should demand that policies, processes and especially training that take their needs into account are instituted.

Organizations that provide coaching and training to their developers see a threefold improvement in security finding remediation. Through cross-training, security experts should train developers on best practices, and developers should train security on the demands of the development life cycle.

Join Cody Bertram (LinkedIn profile) Principal Solutions Architect, Veracode & Patrick McNeil, (LinkedIn profile) Principal Solutions Architect, Veracode, for an important discussion on enabling developers to take a more active role in application security.

Click to register for:
What Role Do Developers Have In Application Security?

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – August 25th, 2020 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider: SD Times (Software Development Times)

Everyone knows that infrastructure automation is fundamental to any DevOps platform. However, infrastructure automation requires not only coding abilities, but also cloud network, security and cost expertise, and Infrastructure as Code skills.

It’s not something developers want to waste their time on. Being able to provide on-demand self-service infrastructure provisioning and deployment to dev teams can free them from building and maintaining their own cloud automation. It makes it possible for developers to focus on developing the features and products that really matter.

But as self-service increases in popularity and becomes a mandatory requirement, you may ask yourself: are all self-services created equally?

In this webinar, Maya Ber Lerner, (LinkedIn profile) CTO at Quali, will review common implementations of self-service and on-demand infrastructure, as well as share best practices for choosing the right implementation.

Click to register for:
Getting It Right: Self-Service In Cloud Automation

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – July 14th, 2020 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider: SD Times (Software Development Times)

While organizations accelerate moving their data-intensive applications to the cloud for cost cutting reasons, they are afforded the opportunity to adopt cloud-native technologies. IT departments are facing a radically different operating climate than they did last winter.

Now their entire user and customer communities have moved exclusively online and IT must make counter moves.

New requirements for personalization require a much more flexible data management infrastructure to map user behaviors, sessions and available products and services more effectively.

And users don’t just use laptops, they are mobile and expect consistency across experiences. What will you and your application do?

In this event Rahul Pradhan (LinkedIn profile) Senior Director, Product & Engineering – Cloud Databases will provide answers for how to improve development team agility by adopting versatile NoSQL database platforms, while it is automatically deployed and managed within their providers’ virtual private cloud.

Rahul will introduce the In-VPC style of deployment, which eliminates an inconvenient data residency issue found in everyday SaaS products who house customer data outside the owners’ network.

Click to register for:
Your Budget Is Gone,
Your Data-Intensive Application Is Next,
What Do You Do?

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.

Trends In Cybersecurity


Live Webinar – March 26th 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  Global Knowledge UK  (REP 1999)

Organizations and individuals are threatened with ever-growing cyber threats and must be prepared to address them.

The more we are connected to networks, the more suspectable we are to attacks, therefore enterprises must stay current applying various cybersecurity measures and maintaining awareness of cybersecurity trends.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  1. Drivers to cyber decisions
  2. Future trends and threats
  3. How connected are you, are you protected?
  4. Preparation to continue to remain relevant

Presenter: Ray Lugo (LinkedIn profile) has worked for several major organizations including IBM, ROLM, MCI Worldcom, Realcom and Metropolitan Fiber Systems installing and maintaining telecom systems where he witnessed the early evolution of VOIP implemented on LANs. A 20 year instructor with Global knowledge, he has taught several Telecom courses under Nortel and Avaya, went onto delivering Networking classes which led to certifying and instructing on CompTIA A+, Net+, Sec+, and CySa+, he is also certified to teach EC-Council’s CEH.

Click to register for:
Trends In Cybersecurity

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post!  Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.