
Live Webinar – July 19th, 2023 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Just because you’re working alone – You don’t have to work by yourself

We’re all “remote workers” now – confined to our laptops, either working on our regular jobs, or freelance, or “gig” workers. How do we stay motivated, on purpose, and productive in our new virtual workplace?

Imagine that you had a “guardian angel”? like a coach by your side, cheering you on, keeping you on target.

Peer Mentoring™ is a system in which two people agree to support each other based on complementary skills and needs, and the partners create a ‘contract.’

The purpose of this process is to create a productively paired ‘buddy system’ to help both of you achieve your individual goals.

In the Peer Mentoring process, people identify their own resources and those of others (using our Skills and Resources Inventory) and then create specific strategies for mutual goal achievement. It is a new adaptation of the age-old concept of reciprocity + barter practiced by all cultures.

Elaina Zuker (LinkedIn profile) created and has used the Peer Mentor process with audiences and groups all over the world; as a learning accelerator, a success technique. a team building process and as a model for collaboration.

Her new book “YOUX2” about the process and its origins, is now available as an e-book and in paperback. Now she is delighted to bring those ideas to members of SMM and TMN.

Elaina will describe the process, how it works, and how it is different from and similar to other forms of “help” – coaching, mentoring, etc.and then Then she will guide some interactive exercises to give participant an experiential sense of how it might be helpful for individuals, teams and organizations.

Of course there will be time for Q + A.

Click to register for:
Peer Mentoring: A Strategy For Success

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Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – July 20th, 2023 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

The 10-20-70 theory suggests that workers learn 70% of the time from informal ways, through conversations, self-searching, solving problems at work, drawing experiences from relationships and networks. Unfortunately, L&D professionals restrict or constrain the “70” learning from being an integral part of their curriculum or formal lessons.

So informal learning fails and inadvertently appear as “pretentious.”

In this webinar, you will gain new insights from examples of strategies to continue to grow and nourish the 10-20-70 theory while allowing workers and learners more latitude to do informal learning.

Topics covered:

  • What is the 10-20-70 learning theory? How does it work?
  • What are prevailing practices that backfire because many informal learning get deemed as “pretentious”?
  • When does informal learning become unproductive?
  • What are the learning ecosystems that harness informal learning but within business strategies?
  • What are small and nudging actions, systems, and tools that accelerate informal learning?

Presenter : Ray Jimenez (LinkedIn profile) – Chief Learning Architect and Founder of Vignettes Learning and, a systems development and consulting company specializing in e-Learning and Performance Systems, eLearning course development and interactive tools and social learning community platform.

Ray has over twenty years experience in the consulting and training industry. Author of  3-Minute e-Learning: Rapid Learning and Applications, Amazingly Lower Cost and Faster Speed of Delivery: Plus Online Demos, Templates, Videos, Scenario-Based Learning: Using Stories To Engage e-Learners (Scenario-Based Learning, Volume 1) and  DIYEL 101 Tips for Do-It-Yourself eLearning. Ray teaches eLearning programs for the University of California, Irvine, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center and Assumption University, Bangkok.

Workshop and briefing participants describe Ray as fun, engaging, Technically savvy, has depth in e-learning experience, balances theory and hands-on experience  and inspiring. Visit Ray’s website and his blog.

Click to register for:
New Look at 10-20-70 Learning:
How To Make Informal Learning Really Stick

0 1.0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – July 19th, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

PDF: Tools to know for a Learning Designer

Delve into the captivating world of learner engagement and AI tools in this second of two webinars in the series.

Discover new and classic tools and learn how and when to use them, accompanied by intriguing real-life stories.

Garima Gupta (LinkedIn profile) will introduce you to tools from within and beyond the L&D universe for your consideration.

This session will cover tools for interaction and engagement (alternatives/additions to virtual meeting software, audience engagement, interactive content presentation, data visualization, etc.), and a carefully vetted selection of AI-based generative tools. Watch real-time demos on how to use these tools effectively, and gain access to a tools portal brimming with even more resources to enhance your learning and development efforts.

Click to register for:
Enhancing Learner Engagement & Exploring AI Tools
For Learning & Development

0 1.0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – July 18th, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Learn the importance of training managers in these times, including best practices in selecting and training the best people to manage people.

In this provocative multimedia and dynamic presentation, author and speaker Bob Kelleher takes attendees through a journey of why is has become so difficult to be a boss in these times.

Gallup claims that only 33% of the workforce is engaged, but for the first time, the boss is less engaged than the employees they manage. Given the boss is the single biggest driver of both engagement and disengagement- this is a significant organizational challenge.

Why is this?

Well, for starters, these are incredibly challenging times for all – bosses included. Many don’t even want to manage people; and / or have no idea how to manage people; and / or lack the skill set to be effective bosses.

They take on the role of leadership because that is how one makes more money.

They often are left brain, analytics types who lack the right brain emotional intelligence DNA. In some ways, it is not their fault. It is the fault of organizations for poorly selecting and training ‘people who lead people’.

Learning Objectives:

  • Hear what has caused leadership engagement to drop
  • Discuss why people who manage people have the organization’s most important job
  • Discover the key success competencies of people who effectively manage people
  • Look for the right people to select themselves in (and out) of management
  • Look for (and avoid) the 7 deadly characteristics of terrible bosses
  • Implement the BEST (Behaviors / Experience / Skills / Traits) Profile in management selection

Presenter: Bob Kelleher (LinkedIn profile) is the founder of The Employee Engagement Group a best-selling author, thought leader, keynote speaker and consultant, sharing his insights on employee engagement, leadership, and workforce trends. Bob is the author of the best seller, Louder Than Words: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps That Drive Results,  Creativeship: A Novel for Evolving Leaders  and the just released Employee Engagement for Dummies! The Employee Engagement Group recently introduced the world’s first virtual employee engagement resource center, Engage On-Demand, Resource Library.

Click to register for:
Bosses Are People Too:
Why Leadership Engagement Is At An All Time Low

0 1.0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – July 13th, 2023 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

Are you ready to unleash the magic of analog games in a digital world?

Join Monica Cornetti of Sententia Gamification and Gamemaster of GamiCon for this exciting webinar where we’ll explore how analog games can create meaningful and memorable experiences for your face-to-face audience or course.

Discover the enchantment of building a themed gamified learning event and unlock the full potential of analog games in adult education and corporate training.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your learning approach and engage your participants in a whole new way!

  • Experience the vibrant energy and excitement of a fully gamified conference for adult education and corporate training
  • Foster engagement, collaboration, and creativity through immersive analog game experiences
  • Break free from screens and rediscover the power of face-to-face interactions and tactile learning
  • Learn practical tips and strategies for integrating analog games into your training programs

In a world dominated by high tech and AI, analog games offer a unique and captivating approach to education and training.

This is a game-changer for adult education and corporate training, providing you with practical strategies, invaluable insights, and limitless possibilities.

Register now and embark on a journey that will leave a lasting impact!


Monica Cornetti (LinkedIn profile) CEO of Sententia Gamification, is a gamification education & design consultant based in Austin, TX, & Gamemaster of GamiCon, an annual international conference for the gamification of learning.  An influential speaker, and author of:

  1. Deliberate Fun: A Purposeful Application of Game Mechanics to Learning Experiences co-authored with Jonathan Peters, Ph.D
  2. Totally Awesome Training Activity Guide Book: How to Put Gamification to Work for You
  3. What Were You Thinking: Learn How to Change the Way You Think… Fast!
  4. Your Face Isn’t Finished Until Your Lipstick Is on: Rule of the Women’s Success Game
  5. Totally Awesome Training, Discover how to Deliver Dynamic Small Business Training!
  6. By Monica Cornetti Totally Awesome Training Activity Guide Book: How to Put Gamification to Work for You (2nd Second Edition)

Monica was rated #1 among the “Gamification Gurus Power 100” by RISE in 2015-2019; and was also recognized as a Top 3 Finalist in the “Gamification Guru of the Year Award” by the World Gamification Congress held in Barcelona, Spain.  A graduate of Seton Hill with a BA in psychology, and The University of Houston-Victoria where she earned an MS in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. Monica is at the top of her field in gamification design for corporate learning.

Click to register for:
Unleash The Magic: The Power Of Analog Games In A Digital World

0 1.0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.


Live Webinar – July 12th, 2023 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU free
Provider: Training Magazine Network

The past few years have taught us a lot about the power of virtual connection.

We’ve expanded our virtual horizons and bumped up against the boundaries that limit our ability to engage and include everyone in vital learning experiences.

Imagine what is possible when we bring people together to learn, committed to full engagement and convinced that inclusion should be the norm.

Join Cynthia Clay to explore the factors that limit full engagement and inclusion and how we can overcome them.

Session Objectives
By the end of this 60-minute webinar, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the limiting factors that stand in the way of full engagement and inclusion
  • Adopt five practices to transform your virtual classroom experiences
  • Fully engage and include every participant in the learning process

Presenter: Cynthia Clay (LinkedIn profile) President/CEO of NetSpeed Learning Solutions & the author of Great Webinars: How to Create Interactive Learning That Is Captivating, Informative, and Fun helps people increase their effectiveness in virtual environments.  Cynthia provides instructor-led virtual programs that help employees and leaders communicate effectively, resolve conflict, serve customers well, and lead effectively in the virtual workplace. She  also works with clients who are transitioning from the face-to-face classroom to interactive, blended virtual learning. Cynthia is a passionate advocate of brain-based learning and works with training professionals to apply stellar practices in the virtual classroom.

Click to register for:
Mission Possible: Engagement & Inclusion In Virtual Training

0 1.0 0
Ways Of Working Technical
Power Skills
Business Acumen Strategic / Business

NOTE: For PMI® Audit Purposes – Print Out This Post! Take notes on this page during the presentation and also indicate the Date & Time you attended. Note any information from the presentation you found useful to your professional development and place it in your audit folder.