
Online Webinar – Recorded April 3rd 2014
Duration: 1 Hour PDU Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Sponsored by: DCG – David Consulting Group (REP 3525)

Note: Although DCG is an Rep this event may not have a course number contact DCG for further information

The purpose of Agile Test-Driven Development is NOT to find the bugs in your code.

The purpose of Test-Driven Development is to make sure your code does what you want it to do, no matter what you do to it.

It is a QUALITY approach. After all don’t you want to 1) make sure your code is working as expected and 2) makes sure your code is easily modifiable.

Sounds easy right?  —>  Well … not exactly

Join DCG’s Tom Cagley as he explores the benefits and challenges of Test Driven Development and why it is changing the way some organizations approach coding.

Connect with DCG social media networks.

Presenter: Thomas Cagley (LinkedIn profile @TCagley) David Consulting Group Mr. Cagley is the Vice President of Consulting for The David Consulting Group and author of Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques. Read Tom informative blogs about software development and management topics. Tom also edits a podcasts of essays and interviews titled “Software Process and Measurement Cast”. The blog and podcast serve as a platform to share information with development industry and to foster a continuing dialog. Sharing and dialog is a means of paying it forward.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Planning Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 5 – Scope 8 – Quality

  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 5.3 Define Scope
  • 8.1 Plan Quality Management
  • 8.2 Perform Quality Assurance
  • 8.3 Control Quality

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register & view Agile Testing & Test Driven Development: Testing In Quality From The Start

Test Estimation


Online Webinar – Recorded December 3rd, 2014
Duration: 1.5 Hr Webinar Credits: 1.5 PDUs Category A – Free PDU
Sponsored by: RBCS (REP #2986)

Note:  Because this is a recorded session and your attendance was not tracked by the provider keep excellent records of your attendance – you are  on your honor in accordance with the PMI®’s Code of Ethics.

This is a repeat presentation of one of their most popular webinars.

If you missed it the first time, you can catch it now, and hear about how test estimation is done, using techniques that work in both traditional and Agile lifecycles.

  • How many testers do we need?
  • How many test cases do we need?
  • How many bugs will testing find?
  • How long will testing take?

Those are good questions, but those questions are often hard to answer.

In this webinar, drawn from three decades of industry experience and materials in his best-selling book Managing the Testing Process: Practical Tools and Techniques for Managing Hardware and Software Testing, Rex will discuss fundamental techniques for test estimation.

Presenter: Rex Black (Amazon profile) is President of RBCS, a leader in software, hardware, and systems testing. RBCS employs the industry’s most experienced and recognized consultants, RBCS conducts product testing, builds and improves testing groups and hires testing staff for hundreds of clients worldwide. As the leader of RBCS, Rex is the most prolific author practicing in the field of software testing today.

Check Out some of Rex Black’s Great Books:

  1. Foundations of Software Testing ISTQB Certification
  2. Managing the Testing Process: Practical Tools and Techniques for Managing Hardware and Software Testing
  3. Advanced Software Testing – Vol. 1: Guide to the ISTQB Advanced Certification as an Advanced Test Analyst (Rockynook Computing)
  4. Advanced Software Testing – Vol. 2: Guide to the Istqb Advanced Certification as an Advanced Test Manager
  5. Advanced Software Testing – Vol. 3: Guide to the ISTQB Advanced Certification as an Advanced Technical Test Analyst
  6. Critical Testing Processes: Plan, Prepare, Perform, Perfect
  7. Pragmatic Software Testing: Becoming an Effective and Efficient Test Professional
  8. ISTQB Foundation Exam Preparation Guide
  9. ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Exam Preparation Guide 2nd edition

View above – OR – Click to view on YouTube Test Estimation

The 5 Levels of Agile Planning


Online Webinar – September 10th 2013
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU
Course ID:  WS072011

When a software development professional first hears about Agile, they are often initially incredulous that this type of approach can work due to a misperception that Agile simply means “no planning.”

This belief could not be further from the truth.

Agile teams tend to plan more throughout the course of a project than a traditional approach, albeit in a different fashion than they may be accustomed to. Rather than planning once at the beginning of a project, Agile teams practice continuous planning throughout the project.

This web seminar will explore the five Levels of Agile planning, and how they help teams ensure that teams are able to benefit from what they learn over the course of their development and delivery efforts.

Click to register for The 5 Levels of Agile Planning


Live Webinar October 9th, 2014, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Duration:1 hour Webcast Up to 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU
Hosted By:  StickyMinds/Techwell

The ultimate goal of a test team is to deliver the highest quality solution to end-users. Continuous delivery is a set of practices and goals that coordinates testing and development with operations.

In this web seminar, we will show how recent advancements in building applications integrated with testing tools and orchestration tools can turn around test results in hours instead of weeks.

By executing initial unit tests in the development phase and optimizing the feedback loop to stakeholders, you can find and fix defects faster. This is possible with continuous delivery.

In This Webinar Learn:

  • New practices to accelerate test results
  • How and why it is important to integrate testing with development
  • Tips on how to implement continuous delivery

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4- Integration 5 – Scope 8 – Quality

  • 4.3 Direct and Monitor Project Work
  • 5.2 Define Scope
  • 8.1 Plan Quality
  • 8.2 Perform Quality Assurance

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Optimizing Test and Development Practices for Continuous Delivery


Live Webinar August 26th, 2014, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Duration:1 hour Webcast Up to 1 Category C PDU – Free PDU
Hosted By:  StickyMinds/Techwell

Whether you’re a developer, tester, or manager, you’ve probably heard, “Test your code as you write it!”

This is a common mantra among development teams today, yet for many, it remains a lofty goal as opposed to a reality.

Three years ago, all of Coverity’s end-to-end tests were manual. After a transformation of the test processes, 97 percent of the end-to-end tests are now automated, and a full round of end-to-end tests can be completed in two days.

Today Coverity uses tools such as Selenium WebDriver and TestNG, and the maintenance release cycle has been reduced from two weeks to three days.

Take back the top three lessons Coverity learned in its automation journey, including initiating a set of passing tests that must be in place before a feature is declared accepted and how to focus automated test development and test execution based on the impact of changes to the software.

In this seminar, Andreas Kuehlmann, will discuss:

  1. The value of automated testing during development
  2. The impact of test automation on the organization and the business
  3. Why code coverage tools are not sufficient to determine the adequacy of testing
  4. How to drive accountability for testing across the development lifecycle

Presenter: Andreas Kuehlmann (LinkedIn profile) Senior Vice President of Research and Development Coverity  is responsible for global research and development activity. Kuehlmann has an appointment as adjunct professor at University of California, Berkeley, and served as president of the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation and is author/editor of  The Best of ICCAD. He was part of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Centeand  received the Dipl-Ing. degree and the Dr.-Ing. habil degree in electrical engineering from the University of Technology at Ilmenau, Germany, and is an IEEE Fellow.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4- Integration 5 – Scope 8 – Quality

  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 4.4 Monitor & Control Project Work
  • 5.3 Define Scope
  • 8.2 Perform Quality Assurance

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Test Automation during Development: A Paradigm Shift

Project Control & Verification


Live Webinar August 20th, 2014 11:00 am – 11:45 pm EDT
Duration: 45 Min Credits: 0.5 PDU Category B – Free PDU
Presented By: PROJECTinsight (Metafuse Inc)
In Cooperation With: Core Performance Concepts (Rep #1399)

Note: Please record this as a Category B Presentation – You will receive a Category B certificate from PROJECTInsight

As the project team develops the code to meet the authorized requirements, the newly built functionality must be verified to ensure it reflects the authorized requirements and satisfies the business need.

This can be accomplished by implementing the following integrated methodology deliverables:

  • Project status report,
  • Team status report,
  • Issue definition,
  • Risk definition,
  • Change request,
  • Unit test defect log(s),
  • System integration test (SIT)
  • Defect log(s),
  • User acceptance (UT) defect log,
  • Requirements traceability log

Learn how to each deliverable can be beneficial to your project.

Click to register for Project Control & Verification